European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) was established in 1993. Inaugurated in Lisbon in 1995, it is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. The EMCDDA exists to provide the EU and its Member States with a factual overview of European drug problems and a solid evidence base to support the drugs debate. Today it offers policymakers the data they need for drawing up informed drug laws and strategies. It also helps professionals and practitioners working in the field pinpoint best practice and new areas of research.


The EMCDDA was set up to provide 'factual, objective, reliable and comparable information concerning drugs, drug addiction and their consequences'

European Drug Report 2020 Launch

Event Date

How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting drug use, supply and services? What are the health costs of drug use in Europe today? What do the latest data tell us about drug production and trafficking trends? Be the first to know when the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) launches its European Drug Report 2020: Trends and Developments in a live online media event on 22 September.

EMCDDA webinar: COVID-19 and drug policy

Event Date

Background: this is the 6th EMCDDA webinar on the Coronavirus. It will be exploring with the help of three experts from Northern, Central, Southern European EU countries (Finland, Greece and The Netherlands) whether the COVID-19 related emergency is having or is going to have any impact on Drugs Policy.

How is COVID-19 shaping the future of drug services in Europe?

Event Date

The EMCDDA is offering a new series of webinars around the theme of COVID-19. The purpose of the webinars is to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, are coping with the pandemic and to share knowledge and experience. The webinars will give a voice to key professionals working in the drugs field and will allow for discussion on emerging challenges.

Coronavirus and drug-related issues: are we ready to learn the lessons?

Event Date

The EMCDDA is offering a new series of webinars around the theme of COVID-19. The purpose of the webinars is to help those working in the drugs field understand how drug users, and those supporting them, are coping with the pandemic and to share knowledge and experience. The webinars will give a voice to key professionals working in the drugs field and will allow for discussion on emerging challenges. 

EU4MD Bursaries for the 2020 NIDA International Forum

Professionals, academics and experts from European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) countries will have the opportunity to participate in the 2020 National Institute on Drug Abuse International Forum, thanks to five bursaries being offered...

ASAP-Training Newsletter

The aim of the ASAP training project is to build effective drug prevention results across Europe, based on prevention systems analysis and widespread professional training. The ASAP training project will work to identify the strengths and...

EU Drug Markets Report 2019

The EU Drug Markets Report 2019 is the third comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union by the EMCDDA and Europol. The analysis presented in the report examines topics such as the links between drugs and other...