Czech National Conference on Illegal Addictive Substances 2021
The National Conference on Illegal Addictive Substances 2021 was organized by the Secretariat of the Government Council for the Coordination of Drug Policy - the Drug Policy Department of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic. Due to the current development of the epidemiological situation, the conference was held online.
The debate was moderated by Jarmila Vedralová, National Drug Policy Coordinator.
The following spoke in the individual blocks of the conference:
- Jarmila Vedralová (National Coordinator for Drug Policy, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic)
- Alexis Goosdeel (Director of the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction - EMCDDA)
- Anja Busse (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime - Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation - UNODC)
- Giovanna Campello (Head of Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation, UNODC)
- Pavla Chomynová (in charge of the management of the National Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addictions, Office of the Government of the Czech Republic)
- Josef Radimecký (specialist director WHITE LIGHT I, z. Ú.)
- Jindřich Vobořil (Director of the Company Podané ruce o.p.s.)
- Petr Popov (primary and deputy head of the Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague)
- Jakub Frydrych (Director of the National Anti-Drug Headquarters of the Czech Police)
- Michal Miovský (Head of the Department of Addictology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague)