Building Inclusive Recovery Cities: An international movement for community building, recovery and prevention.
ISSUP, in collaboration with the Centre for Addiction Recovery Research (CARR), presents its webinar on Building Inclusive Recovery Cities.
This webinar combines key innovations in public-facing recovery programmes that challenge...
Looking Back: A retirement interview with Jeff Lee
The Power of Words: A Deep Dive into the Language of Addiction
Patterns of remission from alcohol dependence in the United Kingdom: results from an online panel general population survey
Previous research has demonstrated that remissions from alcohol use disorders can occur without accessing treatment. The current study explored the prevalence of such untreated remissions in the UK and further, examined the...
A UK national study of prevalence and correlates of adopting or not adopting a recovery identity among individuals who have overcome a drug or alcohol problem
In the last 20 years, the term "recovery" has become crucial in dealing with addiction. However, different groups, such as researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and people with lived experience of alcohol or drug (AOD)...
Better Than Well- Recovery Programme to Support Students in England
The consequences of addiction to substances like drugs and alcohol, or engaging in certain behaviours like gambling, gaming, or sex, can be severe. Addiction is often a response to underlying trauma and social stressors, and continued use...
£421 million to boost drug and alcohol treatment across England
It has been announced that local authorities across England will benefit from an extra £421 million government funding through to 2025 to improve drug and alcohol addiction treatment and recovery.
The extra funding will enable the creation...
Drug Policy in the UK: A Matter of Crime or Health
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts in Northern Ireland (FDAC)
Od ublížení k naději: Desetiletý protidrogový plán na snížení kriminality a záchranu životů
Zde si můžete přečíst 10letý plán vlády Spojeného království na snížení užívání nelegálních drog.
10letý plán je také formální, věcnou odpovědí na nezávislé recenze drog vedené Dame Carol Blackovou a přijímá všechna její klíčová doporučení...
IsSUP Mezinárodní konference 2021 (virtuální) Session 4 - Recovery: Evidence-based principles - theory and application
Zahajovací akce: Nezávislý přehled drog Dame Carol Blackové, část 2
Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of Drugs in England
The second part of Dame Carol Black’s Independent Review of Drugs has been published. This report is the second part of a major independent review by Professor Dame Carol Black into the misuse of illegal drugs in England.
The first part of...
Dame Carol Black's Independent Review of drugs část druhá: prevence, léčba a zotavení
The Role of Nutrition in Addiction Recovery
The Talking Route to Recovery. Effectiveness Bank Alcohol Treatment Matrix Cell A4
Every treatment involves human interaction, but this cell is about therapies in which interaction is the intended active ingredient – ‘psychosocial’ therapies, the mainstay of alcohol dependence treatment...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Action Plan
In 2018, the Scottish Government released the Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy.
Scotland's first drugs strategy for a decade focuses on treating the issue as a public health concern rather than a...
Rights, Respect and Recovery: Scotland's Alcohol and Drug Treatment Strategy
The Scottish Government has released the new Alcohol and Drugs Strategy, which aims to improve health by preventing and reducing alcohol and drug use, harm and related deaths. There were a record 934 drugs-related deaths in Scotland in 2017...
Prevence, léčba a zotavení alkoholu a drog: Proč investovat?
Odhady ukazují, že ve Spojeném království činí sociální a ekonomické náklady na škody související s alkoholem 21,5 miliardy liber, zatímco škody způsobené užíváním nelegálních drog stojí 10,7 miliardy liber. Patří sem náklady spojené s...
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