Pathways 2 Prevention Podcast
Join us for Drug Free America Foundation’s ‘Pathways to Prevention’ podcast as we engage stakeholders from across the drug demand reduction spectrum including government, academia, clergy, preventionists, treatment professionals, and...
SSA Podcast- Relapse: what is it and what does it mean to people who experience it?
In the latest episode of the Addictions Edited podcast, Rob Calder talks to Dr Maike Klein from the University of Bath about her qualitative research into relapse.
They discuss how relapse can be perceived as part of recovery or...
What Are The Five Stages Of Change?- A Blog Dedicated to Educate the Families of people with Addiction
The blog is a rich source of learning.
You may read the information at your pace.
Share with the clients and their families to equip themselves with the simple strategies to take steps towards more recovery and less relapse.
Here- https...
Recovery 101
Recovery from a substance use disorder is defined as a process of improved physical, psychological, and social well-being and health after having suffered from a substance-related condition.
The recovery research institute has put together...
Online kurz Recovery Pathways
Tento on-line kurz představuje vědu o zotavení ze závislosti a dívá se na důkazy o cestách zotavení v Evropě.
Recovery Pathways se zaměřuje zejména na genderové rozdíly v tom, jak se lidé zotavují a co se děje v různých fázích zotavení.
Telehealth Learning Series for SUD Treatment and Recovery Support Providers
The Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network, the Center for Excellence on Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI), the National Consortium of Telehealth Resource Centers, and the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse...
Should Addiction Counselors Disclose They Are in Recovery?
Addiction therapy is often a personal and complex thing, which relies on interaction, bonding, and communication between counselors and their patients. This often happens because many of the people choosing to become addiction counselors...
Should Addiction Counselors Disclose Their Recovery?
More often than not, the answer is: no.
- “I’m in recovery too…so you can trust the suggestions I give you.”
- “I’ve been there, done that, so I ‘get’ where you are coming from.”
- “When I was in early recovery I wouldn’t trust normal people...
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