Insight to the global addiction education: pearls from the ICUDDR survey 2023
Substance Use Disorders (SUD) and Type 2 Diabetes: Integration of Evidence-Based Diabetes Care to Promote Quality Health Outcomes
International Research Partnerships: Elements of Success
THe presenters for the session were Susana Henriques, from The Open University, Portugal, and Roger Peters, from the University of South Florida.
Dr Henriques and Dr Peters have successfully collaborated on international research, and they...
ICUDDR, Day 1, Track 1, 13:30 - 15:00
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, in-person on 12th May, 2022
- ICUDDR Regional Groups: Supporting Addiction Science Globally - Dr. Beatrice Kathungu, Jimena...
Publishing Addiction Science
ICUDDR are pleased to announce that they are now opening applications for the second group of ICUDDR/ISAJE Learning Collaborative participants. ICUDDR and ISAJE began hosts this Learning Collaborative using the Publishing Addiction Science...
The 2021 ICUDDR Virtual Conference- Call for Proposals
The 2021 ICUDDR Virtual Conference will be held July 20 & 21, 2021. At this time, we are seeking proposals for this online event. Deadline is February 26, 2021.
Call for Proposals
ICUDDR is soliciting proposals for presentations at our...
Žádost o kurz ICUDDR
Stále je čas podat přihlášku do kurzu ICUDDR, který končí 4. prosince 2020.
ICUDDR a International Society for Addiction Journal Editors (ISAJE) se spojily, aby podpořily univerzitu při vývoji akademického kurzu o psaní pro recenzované...
Přehled univerzitních akademických programů ve studiích závislostí v Africe
Cíl: Cílem bylo zmapovat a popsat univerzitní studijní programy závislostí v Africe jako součást pokračujícího mezinárodního výzkumu.
Metody: Studie byla provedena v letech 2016–2017. První fáze byla založena na vyhledávání...
Přístup ke službám léčby drogové závislosti v Nigérii: Výzva pracovní síly závislosti
vystoupení Dr. Chia Francis a Mashika Esther
Tento webinář osvětlí úroveň užívání drog v Nigérii, dosavadní úsilí o řešení přístupu ke službám léčby zneužívání drog v Nigérii a podrobnosti studie týkající se přístupu k léčbě.
WEBINAR: Cary Hopkins Eyles on Authentic Self-Care for Addiction Professionals
This webinar focuses on the issue of self-care for addiction professionals and was delivered by ICUDDR Deputy Director Cary Hopkins Eyles.
Many of us are drawn to work in the field of substance use disorders due to our history, family, and...
ICUDDR Training Sessions at ISSUP Conference in Kenya
The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) ran multiple sessions during the joint NACADA, ISSUP and African Union Drug Demand Reduction Conference & Workshop and have produced a selection of videos of...
Konference ICUDDR: Výzva k předkládání návrhů
Making the Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care a Reality, Despite Data Limitations
This blog post by ICUDDR Executive Director, Kim Johnson, discusses a method for measuring national outcomes of efforts to reduce the number of overdose deaths in the United States.
Overview of University-Based Addiction Studies Programs in the United States
Overview of European University-Based Study Programmes in the Addictions Field
In 2015, the team from the Department of Addictology (First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University and General University Hospital in Prague) in cooperation with our colleague from the Department of Community Medicine & Health Care...
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