Alcohol and Substance Use Prevention in Africa: Systematic Scoping Review
This review examined the existing evidence on substance use prevention activities in Africa.
The objectives were as follows:
Identify drugs and substances used across Africa
Identify risk and protective factors that contribute to...
Building Strength and Resilience during the COVID 19 Pandemic A Focus on Parents with Substance Use
Hendree Jones, Professor UNC Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Executive Director UNC Horizons presents on work developed in summer 2020 regarding helping parents cope.
Přehled univerzitních akademických programů ve studiích závislostí v Africe
Cíl: Cílem bylo zmapovat a popsat univerzitní studijní programy závislostí v Africe jako součást pokračujícího mezinárodního výzkumu.
Metody: Studie byla provedena v letech 2016–2017. První fáze byla založena na vyhledávání...
ICUDDR Training Sessions at ISSUP Conference in Kenya
The International Consortium of Universities for Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) ran multiple sessions during the joint NACADA, ISSUP and African Union Drug Demand Reduction Conference & Workshop and have produced a selection of videos of...
Making the Opioid Use Disorder Cascade of Care a Reality, Despite Data Limitations
This blog post by ICUDDR Executive Director, Kim Johnson, discusses a method for measuring national outcomes of efforts to reduce the number of overdose deaths in the United States.
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