How the media can play its part in reducing the stigma surrounding substance use
In this blogpost, produced by academics from the University of Stirling, the authors discuss the See Beyond – See the Lives – Scotland campaign, which involves the stories of those left behind after losing a loved one to alcohol and drug...
The Anti-Stigma Network
The Anti-Stigma Network has been launched!
The Mission
The Anti-Stigma Network has been created by a group of organisations coming together with a shared mission.
Collectively they aim to improve understanding of the stigma and...
Substance use and homelessness
This research explored changes in the tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use of people experiencing homelessness in the UK. Particularly, the researchers examined the following questions:
- what are the characteristics of people with...
The complexity and challenge of ‘dual diagnosis’

This Drug and Alcohol Finding publication addresses a hot topic which generates heated debate- dual diagnosis.
Whether to focus on mental health problems or substance use problems when the patient exhibits both is a long-standing...
Mental ill health and substance misuse: Dual Diagnosis
This paper has been compiled in response to an MLA request on the complex issue of ‘dual diagnosis’ in the context of service provision. Specifically, the paper provides the following:
- An overview of dual diagnosis.
Navigating the complexity of harm and care: a qualitative study of self-harm and alcohol use
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 23 May 2022: "Navigating the complexity of harm and care: a qualitative study of self-harm and alcohol use" by Dr Amy Chandler and Annie Taylor from the...
Care for co-occurring heavy alcohol use & depression
Watch the video of the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar, held over Zoom on 21 June 2022:
"‘I’m just getting the impression I have to sort myself out’: How people with co-occurring heavy alcohol use and depression describe the care...
Multiple disadvantage and co-occurring substance use and mental health conditions.
Substance use and mental health needs are two of the primary concerns for many people experiencing multiple disadvantage. We know that people who experience both issues at the same time (also known as “co-occurring conditions” or “dual...
Pohoda pracovní síly v reakci na krizi - učení se ze služby NHS po požáru Grenfell Tower Fire 2017
Alkohol a sebevražda
Pití alkoholu může zvýšit riziko úmrtí sebevraždou. To souvisí jak s dopadem dlouhodobého užívání alkoholu, tak s okamžitými účinky pití.
Samaritáni a konsorcium pro prevenci sebevražd provedli výzkum, který zkoumal, jak vypadá vztah mezi...
Aktivované systémy hrozeb: Průnik bezdomovectví, traumatu a užívání návykových látek
DECCA Velcí průvodci
Skotsko zahajuje národní kampaň proti stigmatu závislosti
Alkohol a problematické užívání drog jsou ve Skotsku významnými problémy, které poškozují životy lidí, rodin a komunit a přispívají k násilí a kriminalitě.
Nejen, že stigma související s užíváním návykových látek může mít dopad na pohodu...
Families, substance use and mental health: Report and Toolkit
Dual diagnosis is the term used to describe people with mental health problems, who also misuse drugs or alcohol.
People affected by dual diagnosis often fall through the cracks of public services, and so do their families. Those cracks...
Zkoumání faktorů, které ovlivňují škodlivé užívání alkoholu prostřednictvím cesty uprchlíků: kvalitativní studie
Tato zpráva od Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) a University of Edinburgh School of Health in Social Science zkoumá faktory ovlivňující škodlivé užívání alkoholu během cesty uprchlíka.
Na základě rozhovorů s lidmi se...
Health Matters: Smoking and Mental Health
It is well documented that people with severe mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. Smoking reduces physical wellbeing and is a key modifiable risk factor for health inequality.
Despite this...
Komise pro škody způsobené alkoholem
Aliance pro zdraví alkoholu ve Velké Británii (AHA) podporuje Komisi pro škody způsobené alkoholem, která se skládá z panelu různých odborníků.
Komise pro škodlivost způsobenou alkoholem byla zřízena, aby přezkoumala současné důkazy o...
Pití alkoholu britských rodičů negativně ovlivňuje více než třetinu dětí
Fyzická a psychická újma způsobená nadměrnou konzumací alkoholu pro jednotlivce, který pije, je často jasná. Co je často méně zřejmé, je škoda, kterou může mít konzumace alkoholu pro lidi kolem sebe.
Nedávná studie zkoumala dopad pití...
Depression and Binge-drinking among Military Spouses and Partner
It is recognised that harmful alcohol consumption is more common amongst those who have served in the UK armed forces.
However this is not just an issue for the individual who has served in the army. In a recent study conducted by...
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