Februari 2020

Dukungan Rekan: Kredensial Negara, Pendidikan Berkelanjutan, dan Strategi Retensi / Rekrutmen

Location: Webinar, Amerika Serikat

Rutgers School of Health Professions

Kamis, 6 Februari 2020, mulai pukul 01.00 WIB (ET)

Dukungan teman sebaya menghubungkan orang-orang yang telah berbagi pengalaman hidup. Apakah dukungan berasal dari seorang ibu yang telah mengalami depresi pasca-partum, seorang veteran dengan PTSD, atau seseorang dalam pemulihan dari kecanduan, penyedia dukungan sebaya menggunakan pengalaman hidup mereka dan pelatihan tambahan untuk berfungsi sebagai bagian penting dari sistem perawatan kesehatan perilaku.

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 3, 2020 - 08:50
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Shattering Substance Use Myths on Campus

Location: Webinar, Amerika Serikat

College and university staff and students can work together on educational events that provide science-based facts about drugs and alcohol to help students make informed decisions. Learn how you can join the 10th anniversary of National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week® (NDAFW) and how your campus can get involved. Spots in this webinar are limited. Registration requires the creation of a free NASPA.org account. NASPA is an association supporting student affairs professionals in higher education.

February 6, 2020   |  2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Cost: Free

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 3, 2020 - 08:27
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Free Webinar: Smoking Among Disadvantaged and Vulnerable Groups

Location: Webinar

The Alcohol and Other Drugs Knowledge Centre is hosting a free webinar on Thursday 6 February 2020 with guest presenter Dr Veronica Boland from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre at the University of New South Wales and will follow with an open Q & A session. The webinar will run for approximately 40 minutes and is free to attend. 

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Submitted on Minggu, Februari 2, 2020 - 15:15
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Liver Cancer Summit 2020

Location: Prague, Czechia

The program will feature state of the art lectures on updated key aspects of HCC and CCA by renowned experts and rising stars covering a broad spectrum of topics.

Panel discussion with experts will open a discussion on the new directions and avenues for research and clinical practice.

Special emphasis will be placed on involving young clinicians and scientists, who will have the opportunity to gain a compact overview of the field and build new networks by easily getting in touch with advanced scientists and key opinion leaders.

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Submitted on Selasa, September 10, 2019 - 08:17
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Standar Internasional dalam Pencegahan Narkoba: Pelajaran dari Operasi Lapangan UNODC

Location: Webinar, Spanyol

Pembicara: Wadih Maalouf, pakar dan manajer program Kantor PBB untuk Narkoba dan Kejahatan.

Konferensi ini akan disiarkan langsung pada https://canal.uib.eu/

Harap konfirmasi kehadiran dengan mengirim email: gifesuib [at] gmail [dot] com

Jumat 07/02/2020 pukul 12 malam

Tempat: Classroom AV02, membangun Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos.

Universitas Kampus Kepulauan Balearic

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Submitted on Kamis, Februari 6, 2020 - 09:54
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The Wounded Healer: Helping the Helping Professional

Location: Webinar


Burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious

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Submitted on Jumat, Desember 6, 2019 - 09:30
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Behavioural Science and Public Health Network Annual Conference 2020

Location: Derby, Inggris

Following the success of our 2019 event, BSPH Network is pleased to confirm the next annual conference will take place on 12th February 2020 at the Derby Enterprise Centre.

This conference will offer an opportunity to be inspired by keynote speakers who exemplify excellence in the fields of behavioural science and public health. 

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Submitted on Rabu, November 13, 2019 - 13:38
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EPPIC - Bertukar Praktik Pencegahan penggunaan Polydrug di kalangan Pemuda Dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

Location: London, Inggris

Tentang acara ini

EPPIC - Bertukar Praktik Pencegahan penggunaan Polydrug di kalangan Pemuda dalam Sistem Peradilan Pidana

13 Februari -14Th 2020

C219-20, Gedung Perguruan Tinggi, Universitas Middlesex, Hendon, London, NW4 4BT.

Kamis Februari 13th

Ketua: Susanne MacGregor, Profesor Kehormatan London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

09.30-10:00 Selamat Datang

10-10.30am EPPIC: Pengaturan adegan - tujuan / metode / pertanyaan penelitian kunci / konsep kunci / konteks (Betsy Thom, tim Inggris)

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Submitted on Selasa, Februari 11, 2020 - 08:37
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Creating College/University Standards in Substance Use Disorder Education

Location: Online webinar, Amerika Serikat

Join NAADAC and ICUDDR for a webinar exploring standards in substance use disorder education.

In this session, the presenters will review/discuss:
* NAADAC’s work to create higher education standards in substance use education
* Development of standards
* Overview of course content
* Application to the real world of careers in substance use disorder professions

Presented by:

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 10, 2020 - 09:03
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Kurikulum Perawatan Universal 8: Etika Untuk Pelatihan Profesional Kecanduan-Seminar di Kota Davao

Location: Davao City, Filipina

Kami dengan senang hati mengundang Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam pelatihan tentang Kurikulum Perawatan Universal 8: Etika Untuk Profesional Kecanduan pada 17 hingga 21 Februari 2020 ini di JJ Valderrama - Pusat Manajemen Perilaku di Prk. 8, Bago Saka, Bago Gallera, Kota Davao.

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Submitted on Kamis, Januari 16, 2020 - 11:30
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Konferensi Evolusi Perawatan Kecanduan

Location: Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat


Los Angeles, CA // 3 - 6,2020 November

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Submitted on Selasa, Maret 12, 2019 - 17:55
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Webinar: Identifying and Mitigating Liability Risks for Excessive Gambling Behaviour

Location: Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of casinos’ potential liability in negligence for contributing to the risk of excessive gambling, with comparisons to the well-established liability of licensed alcohol providers.

Risk factors include game design, loyalty programs, and an absence of harm-limiting mechanisms.

A case study involving loyalty program data will be used to illustrate how excessive gambling behaviour can be identified and addressed.

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm EST online

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Submitted on Kamis, November 14, 2019 - 10:53
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1st Regional Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU Africa)

Location: Cape Town, Afrika Selatan

The 1st Regional Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users (INHSU Africa) will take place on the 19 – 20 February 2020, Cape Town, South Africa.

"The 1st Regional Conference on Hepatitis Care in Substance Users: INHSU Africa 2020 is intended to address a pressing need to further advance and facilitate knowledge exchange to catalyze enhanced hepatitis care for people who use drugs in other areas of the world, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.

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Submitted on Jumat, Februari 7, 2020 - 15:20
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Hari Ahli ISSUP

Location: Minnesota, Amerika Serikat

Kami sangat senang mengumumkan peluncuran ISSUP Expert Days. 

Perkembangan baru ini akan memberikan kesempatan bagi mereka yang bekerja dalam pencegahan penggunaan narkoba, pengobatan dan dukungan pemulihan untuk belajar dan berkembang melalui kontak langsung dengan para ahli di lapangan dengan berpartisipasi dalam webinar, meninjau rekaman webinar dan wawancara, sesi tanya jawab, dan menggunakan berbagai sumber daya, alat, bahan dan dokumen yang digunakan untuk mendukung mereka. Ini akan memungkinkan interaksi langsung antara para ahli dan praktisi. 

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Submitted on Selasa, Februari 11, 2020 - 16:38
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Menjelajahi Insiden Overdosis Opioid dalam Kelompok Orang yang Menyuntikkan Obat

Location: Sydney, Australia

Overdosis opioid adalah masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang signifikan, dengan orang-orang yang menyuntikkan obat (PWID) kelompok risiko utama. Namun, ada sedikit informasi kontemporer tentang insiden overdosis opioid di Australia dan bukti terbatas tentang dampak faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi insiden di antara PWID. Bukti lebih lanjut tentang risiko dan faktor pelindung overdosis opioid akan membantu menentukan bagaimana mencegah overdosis ini terjadi.

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Submitted on Minggu, Februari 2, 2020 - 15:08
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Reunión de Directorio

Location: Santiago, Chili

With a view to go on projecting the feature program and features of the Chilean Chapter, will take place the Second Board Meeting on February 20th at 19:00 hrs.

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 10, 2020 - 12:42
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Planet Youth - The Icelandic Primary Prevention Model in Ireland

Location: Stirling, Inggris

About this Event

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Submitted on Kamis, Januari 9, 2020 - 11:21
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Free Webinar: Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder in Jails and Prisons

Location: Webinar

People who have been incarcerated are approximately 100 times more likely to die by overdose in the first two weeks after their release than the general public. Despite high rates of opioid use disorder among justice-involved individuals, evidence-based medications exist and can be successfully implemented within jails and prisons.

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 10, 2020 - 16:29
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Dampak Ganja dan Opioid di Tempat Kerja Saat Ini

Location: Webinar, Amerika Serikat

Drug Free America Foundation

Drug Free America Foundation dengan hormat mengundang Anda untuk berpartisipasi dalam webinar yang membuka mata Rabu, 26 Februari pukul 10:00 tentang Dampak Ganja dan Opioid di Tempat Kerja Hari Ini.

Tujuan Webinar

Peserta akan:

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Submitted on Rabu, Februari 5, 2020 - 10:02
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Cultivating Greater Meaning and Purpose to Prevent Relapse

Location: Webinar


Many who find themselves established in recovery are left with a lingering, internal void that represents a lack of meaning or sense of purpose in life.

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Submitted on Jumat, Desember 6, 2019 - 09:35
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Deaths Due to New Psychoactive Stimulants

Location: Sydney, Australia

This seminar will cover recent research on all deaths due to new psychoactive stimulants in Australia.

Seminar Summary:

This presentation will address mortality due to new psychoactive stimulants and hallucinogens. These cover a wide range of “designer drugs” that have risen to prominence in the 21st century and become a source of clinical concern. They include drugs such as synthetic cathinones and NBOMe.

New data on the characteristics of Australian fatalities, the circumstances of death, and their toxicology will be presented.

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Submitted on Minggu, Februari 2, 2020 - 15:11
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1er Encuentro Capítulo Chileno ISSUP

Location: Santiago, Chili

El próximo Sábado 29 de febrero se realizará la primera reunión ampliada de asociados a ISSUP Chile. El objetivo central de esta reunión es presentar líneas de trabajo, proyecciones y organizar grupos de interés.

Día: Sábado 29 de febrero
Hora: 10:00 a 13:00 hrs.
Lugar: Universidad de Los Andes (sala por confirmar)
Monseñor Álvaro del Portillo 12455, Las Condes, Santiago

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Submitted on Senin, Februari 10, 2020 - 12:29
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12th Annual Behaviour, Biology and Chemistry

Location: San Antonio, Amerika Serikat

This two-day conference, held 29th Feb - 3rd March in San Antonio, Texas focuses on translational aspects of addiction research among chemists, biologists, and behavioural scientists.

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Submitted on Selasa, Agustus 20, 2019 - 08:11
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