Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (20th Session)
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Kedelapan Belas)
Training Report on Getting Candid: Framing the Conversation Around Youth Substance Use Prevention
Foundation for Changing Lives Against Substance Abuse in response to addressing the urgent need for more addiction workforce that can deliver evidence-based prevention program in Nigeria, requested the NATIONAL COUNCIL...
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Keenam Belas)
Report on Treatnet Training
Report on Treatnet Training organised by Bayelsa State Drug Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation Committee (BADAPARC) in collaboration with the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) for counselors in secondary and tertiary schools in...
Addressing drug challenges in health and humanitarian crises: Settings in need of care for a comprehensive drug use prevention in Nigeria
Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption and Factors Influencing Alcohol Abuse Among School-Attending Adolescents in Lagos State, Nigeria: Implications for Prevention Interventions - Oluseyi Odewale Ph.D, Day 4, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
- Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption and Factors Influencing Alcohol Abuse Among School-Attending...
Assessing the Life Skills Of Street Children Who Use Substances in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State, Nigeria - Asu Obasse Benedict, Day 4, 11:00-12:30
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online on 15th May, 2022
- Assessing the Life Skills Of Street Children Who Use Substances in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River...
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Kedua Belas)
ISSUP Nigeria dengan senang hati mempersembahkan Webinar Dua Bulanan berikutnya dalam Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan. Topik Webinar adalah Penggunaan Zat dan Perilaku Seksual Berisiko: Menargetkan Remaja di Nigeria.
Capaian Pembelajaran:
- Da...
Implementing and Evaluating the UPC to Promote Capacity Building among Drug Demand Reduction Practitioners in Nigeria: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
There has been a growing need to improve the knowledge and skills of addiction practitioners worldwide. The development of the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) is one effort to address these needs. This paper is the first...
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Issup Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Sesi Kesembilan)
Rescheduled | Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Eighth Session)
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Keenam)
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria (Sesi Keempat)
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Third Session)
Webinar Dua Bulanan: Seri Pembaruan Pengetahuan ISSUP Nigeria
Akses ke Layanan Perawatan Narkoba di Nigeria: Tantangan Tenaga Kerja Kecanduan
Presentasi oleh Drs. Chia Francis dan Mashika Esther
Webinar ini akan menjelaskan tingkat penggunaan narkoba di Nigeria, upaya yang dilakukan sejauh ini untuk mengatasi akses ke layanan perawatan penyalahgunaan narkoba di Nigeria, dan...
Attitudes towards Cough Syrup Abuse: A Study of Adolescents in Southwest, Nigeria
One area of substance misuse among adolescents that is currently a problem, and has not been fully understood in the Nigerian context is the attitudes of adolescents towards cough syrup abuse. Thus, to inform policy actions for reducing...
GISA Organises National TOT on UPC School Based Track in Nigeria
GISA Organises National Training of Trainers on UPC School Based Track in Nigeria
Between July 9 and 18th 2019, Global Initiative on Substance Abuse (GISA) in collaboration with the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme and the Bureau of...
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