Using Social Media to Promote Life Skills Among Adolescents: A Debate on Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications for Health and Education
The digitalization of society blurs the boundaries between the analog and digital worlds, providing opportunities such as telemedicine and global connectivity. However, it also introduces risks, including cyberbullying, addiction...
Self-Regulation and Risk Behavior of Adolescents Aged 15–20
INTRODUCTION: According to Brichcín (1999), a self-regulating person is someone who can resist the temptation of immediate gratification of their needs and is capable of achieving challenging goals. Self-regulation represents the ability to...
Risk Factors for Substance Use among University Students in Ukraine during Wartime
INTRODUCTION: The impact of ongoing conflict in the country on substance use among youth remains unclear. This study aims to identify the risk factors for substance use among university students and their association with mental health...
Resilience and Depressivity among Czech Adolescents in Relation to Internet Gaming Disorder: Representative Sample
INTRODUCTION: Existing research highlights current issues in youth mental health that are often related to the overuse of modern technology, the experience of depression, or reduced resilience to mental stress. The main aim of this study is...
Examining the Role of Alcohol and Cannabis Use Patterns in Bystander Opportunity and Behavior for Sexual and Relationship Aggression
A study was conducted to examine how patterns of alcohol and cannabis use are associated with bystander intervention in situations involving the risk of sexual and relationship violence among college students. Researchers aimed to explore...
Digital Alcohol and Cannabis Ads, Consumption Frequency, and Driving Under the Influence
This study aimed to explore how exposure to digital advertising for alcohol and cannabis might impact the likelihood of young adults driving under the influence of these substances. The researchers investigated the associations between...
Creating Spaces for Young People to Collaborate to Create Community Change: Ohio's Youth-Led Initiative
Scholars and researchers are increasingly calling attention to the need for community-based coalitions to become more inclusive of local residents and engage those most directly affected by the issues. One population, however, often remains...
Youth Participatory Approaches and Health Equity: Conceptualization and Integrative Review
There is an array of youth participatory approaches relevant to health equity efforts in community psychology, adolescent health, youth development, and education. While they share some commonalities, they also reflect important...
Youth Participatory Action Research for Youth Substance Use Prevention: A Systematic Review
A growing body of research points to the efficacy of participatory methods in decreasing rates of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and other risky behaviors among youth. However, to date, no systematic review of the literature has been...
Binational Cultural Adaptation of the keepin’ it REAL Substance Use Prevention Program for Adolescents in Mexico
Sharp increases in substance use rates among youth and the lack of evidence-based prevention interventions in Mexico are a major concern. A team of investigators from Mexico and the USA are actively addressing this gap by culturally...
FERYA [Active and Networked Families] – A Program to Empower Family Organizations for Environmental Prevention and the Promotion of Preventive Rights
Family involvement has proven to be a protective factor in childhood and adolescence, acting as a preventive barrier against risky behaviours, such as substance abuse and addiction, among minors and youth. Family- and community-based...
Withdrawal, Withdrawal Symptoms, and Craving in Gaming Disorder – Systematic Review
INTRODUCTION: This systematic review aims to synthesise and summarise the available evidence on the definitions of craving and withdrawal, the nature and presence of withdrawal symptoms, the duration of abstinence, the prevalence and nature...
Sport in the Context of Sports Betting and Gambling from the Perspective of University Students: Case of the Czech Republic
BACKGROUND: The sports sector with all its aspects has become an inseparable part of modern society and its influence is manifested in both, local and global, aspects of the life in every country. Not only does sport create and promote...
Prevalence, correlates, and reasons for substance use among adolescents aged 10–17 in Ghana: a cross-sectional convergent parallel mixed-method study
In Ghana, substance use among adolescents poses significant risks to their health, wellbeing, and development. However, little is known about the outlets and reasons for substance use among Ghanaian adolescents. This study...
Behavioural Insights into Alcohol Use among Young Adults in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
A recent survey of alcohol use in the Czech Republic representative for the adult online population presented some worrying findings about the use of alcohol during and in the last stages of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...
Perception of Sport, Sports Betting, and Gambling from the Point of View of University Students – The Case of the Czech Republic
University students are one of the population groups that may be affected by the issue of sports betting and gambling. AIM: The main aim of this paper was to discover the overall perception of university students in the Czech...
Contribution of Gaming to Overall Leisure Screen Time in Primary School Children
This study aimed to (i) analyse the prevalence of gaming in young elementary school-aged children; (ii) assess the effect of gaming frequency on excessive screen use; and (iii) identify sociodemographic variables associated...
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