Nonmedical Benzodiazepines in Canada
The Canadian Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (CCENDU), co-ordinated by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), publishes this newsletter regularly to inform people living in Canada about emerging substance use...
UTC - 4 Based Basic Counselling Skills programme
UTC - 4 Based Basic Counselling Skills Programme
Basic counseling skills and drug counseling are a valuable tool for the development of a very important function in Sri Lankan society. The importance of a scientific and evidence-based...
National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS) 2023: Data on Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Mental Health Treatment Facilities
The National Survey of Substance Use and Mental Health Services (N-SUMHSS) is a voluntary, annual survey that collects data from all active substance use and mental health treatment facilities across the United States, its territories, and...
Intoxication and overdose management of some medicine and psychoactive substances
Intoxication and overdose management of some medicines and psychoactive substances,
in this book there are 6 chapters:
1- chapter( general information about intoxication and overdose)
2- chapter( psychoactive substances and their...
Parental 'Recreational' Substance Use: The Traumatic Ripple Effect on Children
An overview investigation and report into parental recreational substance use and the inevitable and lasting impacts on children in such settings.
Excerpt: "The stark reality of parental substance use in modern society is far more...
L B Finance Head Office at Colombo-Sri Lanka-28 Nov:24
Widespread workplace coverage is another unique aspect of drug prevention. Workplace prevention, in particular, covers a wide range of aspects of drug prevention. Prevention-based curricula address organizational policies, brief...
Training Workshop for Primary School Teachers - Colombo, Sri Lanka At NDDCB Training Center -Colombo 29th November 2024
Training Workshop for Primary School Teachers - Colombo, Sri Lanka
At NDDCB Training Center -Colombo
29th November 2024
One-day training workshop
Primary school teachers are the guides in the development of children's basic knowledge...
Prevention Program Series - Mahaweli System "E" and "Digana" - Sri Lanka
National Dangerous Drugs Control Board has collaborated with Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka to enhance the quality of lives their farmers and reduce the use of substance in their areas since 2016.
In 2024 November, Mahaweli Authority of...
Prevention Program Series - Mahaweli System "E" and "Digana" - Sri Lanka
National Dangerous Drugs Control Board has collaborated with Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka to enhance the quality of lives their farmers and reduce the use of substance in their areas since 2016.
In 2024 November, Mahaweli Authority of...
One-day drug prevention workshop for university students 22 November 2024
One-day drug prevention workshop for university students 22 November 2024
University students are crucial in youth-led drug prevention. A one-day workshop on this topic was conducted by NDDCB PET at Wickramarachchi University, Colombo...
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни»
10 щорічна конференція Асоціації психіатрів України з міжнародною участю «Можливості у сфері психічного здоров’я в країні, що перебуває у стані війни» відбулася у Києві 10-11 жовтня 2024 р. у гібридному форматі (офлайн і онлайн).
Global Drug Day: Eye Opener Launches Prevention Initiative At Orphanage
I am Margaret Kwa'ada Julius, the CEO and founder of the Eye Opener Youth and Women Foundation and the Tobacco and Substance Abstinence Club in Nigeria. My foundation has been honored with multiple awards, including the WHO WNT awards for...
URC 1st Echo Training Programme in Sri Lanka
URC RECOVERY ALLIES The URC -Recovery Allies curriculum is an opportunity to help 18 people of NDDCB as another great gift received by Sri Lanka through the Colombo Plan Drug Adversary Program (DAP) at the time of great influence.
The 18...
National Dangerous Drugs Control Board , Cooperate Plan of Preventive Education and Training Division
Preventive Education and Training Division
National Dangerous Drugs Control Board in Sri Lanka
Cooperate Plan
The Preventive Education and Training Division of the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board is one of the primary ones that...
Youth-Led Participatory Action Research: Developmental and Equity Perspectives
Youth-led participatory action research (YPAR) is an approach to scientific inquiry and social change grounded in principles of equity that engages young people in identifying problems relevant to their own lives, conducting research to...
UNODC World Drug Report 2024
EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators
EU Drug Market: Drivers and facilitators provides an overview of the key factors influencing the operation of the markets for illicit drugs in the European Union. It considers the changes and developments happening in the wider environment...
European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments
The European Drug Report 2024: Trends and Developments presents the EMCDDA’s latest analysis of the drug situation in Europe. Focusing on illicit drug use, related harms and drug supply, the report provides a comprehensive set of...
The Challenge of New Psychoactive Substances – A Technical Update 2024
"The Challenge of New Psychoactive Substances – A Technical Update 2024" is an update of the UNODC publication “The Challenge of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), 2013”, which focuses on the new psychoactive substances (NPS) encountered on...
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