Botswana Situation on Substance Use Disorders: Efforts Towards Drug Demand Reduction
Submitted by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) -

Join us on May 8, 2023 for an online event celebrating our first official year since launching ISSUP Botswana National Chapter on 29th April 2022.
The topic of the webinar is ‘Botswana Situation on Substance Use Disorders: Efforts Towards Drug Demand Reduction’. We are thrilled to bring you a presentation by Mr Phenyo Sebonego, Chief Health Officer, Alcohol and Substance Abuse Division, in the Ministry of Health, Botswana.
Zoom meeting details
Time: May 8, 2023 03:00 PM Gaborone
Link to join the Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 848 7292 4105
Passcode: v8rws9
We look forward to welcoming you to the event.