INEP Plus Hybrid Facilitators Course

Dear Colleagues INEP - Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - “Plus” offers a programme of work supported by training from ISSUP to introduce people to the basics of Prevention Science and Evidence-based Prevention. In order to offer the facilitators training to members of ISSUP-KENYA, Sammy Ombisa and Ann Mumbi Waigwa will be leading a new INEP Plus Hybrid Facilitators Course beginning on 29th April at 8:30am EAT time.
Each session will last 2 hours.
In between each session you will be set “homework” of going through an INEP session.
In the in-person sessions the facilitators will have the opportunity to share learning and understanding and have some of the more difficult concepts explained.
Subsequent sessions will be communicated after the first session. Please see the poster for for more details.
Request application forms from secretary [at] issupkenya [dot] or [dot] ke
Application deadline: 11th April 2023