ISSUP Kenya facilitates Community training of UTC1

On Friday, July 19, 2024, the St. Veronica The Healed Medicare Clinic in Gatundu, in partnership with ISSUP Kenya, facilitated training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum 1 (UTC1) for members of their community.

This training covered an Introduction to the Science of Addiction, Psychoactive Substance Use, Stigma and its Barriers to Treatment, Characteristics and Consequences of Substance Abuse and the integration of the above knowledge base to treatment. The all-day training was a success with a total of 17 beneficiaries equipped and skilled up to make a difference in treatment and recovery support in their communities. 

The beneficiaries of this cohort consisted of participants from the clergy , community health promoters, psychologists, nurses, lawyers, university students and business leaders. The event was graced by     President Kenya Chapter Dr. Pamela Kaithuru , National Christian Council of Kenya, Gatundu branch, and the leadership of St. Veronica's. The lead trainer of the day was Paul Ndungu ISSUP Kenya member who is an ICAP lll holder.