Webinar | Preventing and Treating Substance Use Disorders: A Focus on Females Across the Life Course
ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar with Dr. Hendrée Jones on the topic of treatment and prevention of substance use disorders among females across the life span.
MoreWebinar | Prevention of Drug Use and other Risky Behaviours in Youth: Data-Based Planning for Effective Prevention
On 11th February 2021, ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on the topic of Substance Use Epidemiology and Evidence-based Prevention Programs.
MoreISSUP Lebanon Updates - 2020
ISSUP Lebanon Updates - 2020
On September 2020, ISSUP Lebanon was successfully launched in a virtual event, with over 380 local and international attendees. As part of Lebanon’s national chapter launch, ISSUP Lebanon hosted guest speaker Giovanna Campello, Chief UNODC Prevention,
Webinar | Family skills for Prevention of Substance Use, Mental Health and Violence and for Development, including under COVID-19
On November 11th 2020, ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on Prevention through Family Skills.
MoreWebinar | School Based Prevention Programs for Adolescents: Unplugged as an Example
ISSUP Lebanon would like to invite you to attend their Webinar on Success Stories: What works and what doesn’t work in school-based prevention programs for adolescents (such as Unplugged).
MoreISSUP Lebanon Launch and Webinar: UNODC and WHO - International Standards on Drug Use Prevention
As part of their launch, ISSUP Lebanon wish to invite you to attend a webinar on the 'International Standards on Drug use Prevention' on September 21st 2020.