
Empowering Change: ISSUP Malaysia Leads INEP Plus Training for Substance Use Professionals

ISSUP Malaysia, hosted by OAPTAR, held the INEP Plus Cohort 1 & 2 training - Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - “Plus” offers a programme of work supported by training from ISSUP to introduce people to the basics of prevention science and evidence-based prevention.


UPC 1: Introduction to Prevention Science

This course provides an overview of the science that underlies evidence-based prevention interventions and strategies, and the application of these effective approaches in prevention practice.

Date: 4–8 January 2024

Time: 8:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.

Venue: Zoom Platform

Registration Fees: RM500



Stimulant Use Webinar Series. Part II: Risky Behaviour and Chem Sex Associated with Stimulant Use

ISSUP Indonesia, ISSUP Malaysia and ISSUP Philippines, in collaboration with ITTC, welcome you to a joint initiative dedicated to the use of Amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS) in the Asian region. This is Part II of a three-part webinar series on Stimulant Use

The International Recovery Symposium 2023 in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

In the lush surrounding of Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, a transformational event unfolded from September 18 – 21 – the International


Memorandum of Understanding Signed Between ISSUP Malaysia and MAHSA University Held on 24th MAY 2023 at Senate Room, MAHSA University

ISSUP Malaysia is the Malaysian chapter of the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), a global organization dedicated to promoting evidence-based substance use prevention,


Building Resilience and Bouncing Back from setback in Recovery: The PEER Perspective

ISSUP Malaysia invite you to their Webinar on Building Resilience and Bouncing Back from setback in Recovery: The PEER Perspective.

INEP Plus Training

INEP - Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention - “Plus” offers a programme of work supported by training from ISSUP to introduce people to the basics of prevention science and evidence-based prevention.

ISSUP Malaysia will be conducting an online training on INEP Plus for 10 sessions over a period of 12 weeks. Each session is 2 hours. The INEP Plus training will start at 8.00 pm on:


Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward

ISSUP Malaysia would like to invite you to their upcoming webinar on Mobilizing community resources in preventive measures: Issues, challenges and the way forward.

Time: 5PM Malaysia Time | 9AM UK Time | 10AM Czech Republic Time | 12PM Kenya Time

Register for the Webinar



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If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

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