DARC Webinar - 8 December 2021 - Queer & Bi-Sexualities and Alcohol Misuse
Submitted by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) -

Booking is now open for the DARC Lunchtime Webinar on Wednesday 8 December 2021 1230-1330 hours UK time.
Queer and bi sexualities and alcohol mis/use
This discussant based presentation session will use qualitative research findings from two studies, each unpacking the "LGBTQ": Amy's explores alcohol and substance use focusing on bisexual identities: Lisa uses a small subgroup of young women and gender diverse people to explore sexuality, gender expression and growing up post-disaster and the role alcohol can play.
Amy Montague, Kingston University
Lisa Overton, Middlesex University
Alfonso Pezzella, Middlesex University