Psychological Interventions for People with HIV-AIDS and Substance Dependence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Indonesian Consortium Addiction Technology Transfer (ICATT) in collaboration with the Department of Mental Medicine, Padjajaran University, invites you to participate in:
Online Seminar
"Psychological Interventions for People with HIV-AIDS and Substance Dependence during the COVID-19 Pandemic."
18-22 August 2020
Speaker: - Dr.dr. Diah Setia Utami, Sp.KJ, MARS (General Chairperson of PDSKJI) - dr. Lucky Saputra, Sp. KJ (K), M.Kes (Consultant Psychiatry Addiction FK Unpad / RSHS) - Shelly Iskandar, dr., Sp. Akp, Sp. KJ., M.Si., Ph.D. (Head of the Psychiatry Study Program FK Unpad / RSHS) - Dr. dr. Kristiana Siste, Sp. KJ (K) (Head of Department of Psychiatry, FK UI) - dr. Eva Suryani, Sp. KJ (Head of ICATT / Psychiatrist UNIKA Atmajaya) - dr. Imelda Indriyani, Sp. KJ (K) (Psychiatrist at the Drug Addiction Hospital - dr. Savitri W. Kamarudin, Sp. KJ (Psychiatrist RSJ Dr. Soeharto Heerdjan) - Dra. Riza Sarasvita, M. Si., MHS., Ph.D. (Director of Institutional Strengthening Rehabilitation of Government Agencies BNN RI) - A. Ratih Andjayani-Ibrahim, MM., Clinical Psychologist- Mulyanto, S. Psi., M. Psi (Psychologist, BNN RI) - Bonike Islam Mustaqiem, S. Sos (Addiction Counselor- Karitas Sani Madani) - A. Ratih Andjayani- Ibrahim, MM., Clinical Psychologist (Clinical Psychologist) - Elly Hotnida Gultom, S. Kep, NS (Indonesian HIV VCT Counselors Association)
Participants: - Psychiatrists- Psychologists- Nurses- Counselors
Registration: FREE
IDI accredited
For registration, you can use the following link:
Contact Person:
dr. Bianda 08121440118dr. Metha 081285318669
Thank you for your participation