Orientation on Drug use and Dependency for the members of the Joint Peace and Security Teams (JPST)

ISSUP Philippines represented by its Chair and President, Teresita C. Castillo, has been invited by UNODC, Philippines, to be a resource person for the Orientation on Drug Use and Dependency for the members of the Joint Peace and Security Teams (JPST) on December 17, 2020, at the OPAPP Cotabato Office, Awang, Maguindanao, Philippines.  

The overall objective of the orientation is to enhance the JPSTs understanding and capacity on drug use and dependency and its significance to their policing and peacekeeping roles aimed to address the problems in the Bangsamoro communities brought about by the negative effects of illegal drugs.

The target participants were JPST composes of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), Philippine National Police (PNP), and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (MILF BIAF).

UNODC resource persons were Ms. Shella Ruiz-Marquez, Health and Drugs Programme Officer, who presented the "Drug Trends in East and Southeast Asia", and Ms. Jo-Ann de Belen, Senior National Programme Officer, who discussed the Global, Regional and National Drug Trends and Drug Use and Dependency as a Public Health Issue. The third topic on "Understanding the Nature of Drug Use and Dependency," was presented by Ms. Chit Castillo of ISSUP, Philippines.