Addiction Conference 2021

Lives and livelihoods in Africa are lost every day to a medical disorder of which the true extent and severity is unknown.
Addiction needs to be seen for what it is. Not as a weakness. Not as a lack of character. Not as something that needs to be punished.
Substance use disorder (SUD) is a diagnosable, treatable medical disorder and no country or company can afford to lose any more resources to ineffective, uncoordinated addiction treatment protocols.
The ADDICTION 2021 Conference is a platform to create practical, evidence-based SUD solutions relevant to Africa by facilitating collaboration between:
- doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and other healthcare practitioners
- pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors
- social work specialists
- medical aid and managed care providers
- hospital group owners and administrators
- rehabilitation providers
- academia and researchers
- government officials from the departments of social development, health, education, justice, law enforcement and correctional services
- non-profit organisations, faith-based organisations, community-based organisations and more.