5th Annual Joint SALIS/AMHL Conference
42nd Annual SALIS Conference
April 27 – 29, 2021 (Virtual)
Information Professionals:
Building Back Better in the Post Pandemic World
The current pandemic has shaken up the world and revealed many cracks in our systems, including how information is valued, accessed, and used. It is a time for information professionals to reassess our work in continuing to advocate for the value of the role we play in preserving knowledge and fostering information literacy to reduce vulnerability and build community resilience.
We are developing an interesting and varied program to appeal not only to SALIS and AMHL members, but to the broader community of librarian and information specialists, as well as others involved in issues related to mental health, behavioral addictions, and alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, opioids and other drugs.
Times and Dates: The conference, via Zoom, will be held April 27-29, 2021, approximately 2 hours per day, exact time TBD. International time zones will be considered.
Call for Abstracts: Now open. Deadline is March 24.
Registration Information: Now open until Thursday, April 15.
Conference registration rates include access to the Virtual Conference held through Zoom. Registrants will be provided with a Welcome Package that will include the Zoom link and other instructions approximately two weeks prior to the conference.
Registration Rates:
SALIS or AMHL members: $10.00 USD
Non SALIS / AMHL members: $25.00 USD
If you are unable to afford the fee for COVID-related reasons, please contact us at salis [at] salis [dot] org (salis[at]salis[dot]org).
In addition to other presentations, three Guest speakers include:
Tom Babor on the upcoming release of the 3rd edition of ‘Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity’ – Can a book change the world for the better?; Tom Babor, Professor of Community Medicine and Public Health, University of Connecticut, has been a frequent presenter at our conferences and a strong supporter of the work of SALIS over the years.
Michelle Wu – Controlled Digital Lending; Michelle Wu is an attorney, and a retired law librarian and professor, now self employed and working in the Washington DC area. She recently received the Internet Archive Hero Award for establishing the legal basis for Controlled Digital Lending (CDL).
M. J. Toohey – Resistance is Futile: Change or Die it is. M. J. Toohey is the Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs, University of Maryland, Baltimore; Executive Director, Health Sciences and Human Services Library; and Director, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Southeastern/Atlantic Region.
Tom Babor
Michelle Wu
M. J. Toohey
This conference is a joint conference with AMHL (Association of Mental Health Librarians) and SALIS, though all those interested are encouraged to attend!
SALIS (Substance Abuse Librarians & Information Specialists) is an international association of individuals and organizations with special interests in the exchange and dissemination of information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, including opioids, cannabis, stimulants, etc. For over forty years, the members of SALIS have been dedicated to improving the dissemination of information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, and to the training and professional development of the substance use information workforce for the future.