Attitudes towards consumption, sensation seeking and alcohol consumption. Model of partial mediation in Ecuadorian adolescents

Scientific article
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Moreta-Herrera, R.; Mayorga-Lascano, M.; Reyes-Valenzuela, C. & Durán-Rodríguez, T. (2021). Actitudes y Consumo de alcohol: análisis de mediación parcial de la edad y búsqueda de sensaciones en adolescentes ecuatorianos. Revista Española de Drogodependencias. 46(2), 58.71.
Original Language


Adolescente; actitud; alcohol; edad; sensación; mediación

Attitudes towards consumption, sensation seeking and alcohol consumption. Model of partial mediation in Ecuadorian adolescents

Objective: To determine the mediated effect of sensation-seeking on the relationship between attitudes to alcohol consumption and consumption in a sample of adolescents from Ecuador. Method: Descriptive predictive and mediation study with the use of the Scale of Attitudes to consumption, the Brief Questionnaire of Search for Sensations and the Test of Identification of Disorders Related to Alcohol Consumption. Participants: 913 adolescents (55.2% men) aged 11 to 19 years (X=̅ 14.7 years; s= 1.7), students from 6 educational centers (61.3% public) from the cities of Ambato, Latacunga and Pelileo in Ecuador. Results: The Search for Sensations (ab= .025; p< ,001; CI95% [.013 - .040]) presents a partial mediation effect (c = .251; p< ,001 [c'= .226; p< .001]) in the relationship between Attitudes to consumption and alcohol consumption. Conclusions: The intervening variables Search for sensations are relevant when considering the relationship between Attitudes to alcohol consumption and consumption.

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