The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya: Possibilities for Mitigation

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their next Webinar on The Impact of Substance Use Disorder in Educational Institutions in Kenya.
Time: 6PM Kenya | 3PM UK
Register for the Webinar
This Webinar will discuss:
- Nature of Substance Use Disorder
- Epidemiology of SUD with reference to Kenyan Youth and Educational Institutions
- Risk factors for SUD with reference to Kenyan cultural context
- Situational factors on SUD epidemiology – COVID-19 etc.
- Impact of SUD in Kenyan educational institutions
- Possible interventions – tapping into expanding research and changing sociodynamics
- Prevention and the role and practice of drug screening
- Protective factors against SUD within the Kenyan context
Learning Outcomes:
- To understand the extent and impact of drug use and SUD among Kenyan adolescents and youth and educational institutions
- To deliberate on existing and possible interventions and their impact
- To examine and understand the risk and protective factors against/for drug use and SUD amongst Kenyan youth
- To explore the policy framework and practices with respect to drug use prevention and treatment in Kenya
Dr. Susan Gitau
Dr Gitau is a Counselling Psychologist and a Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP III). She is a Global Master Trainer UTC and a Master Trainer GCCCE Colombo Plan, Africa Region. She is also a certified clinical supervisor for addiction counsellors. She runs her own drug-demand reduction consultancy, Elewa Ulevi. She has consulted widely with national and international bodies on drug-demand reduction and policy formulation and appears frequently on national media as a resource person for the same. Dr Gitau is the Deputy President, ISSUP Kenya.
Dr. Beatrice Kathungu
Dr. Kathungu is a lecturer in the department of Psychology at the Kenyatta University, Kenya. She is a practicing Psychologist and clinical supervisor in the field of addiction treatment in Kenya. She is widely published, has won research grants, presented in numerous conferences, as well as authored several papers in the field of addiction science. She is a member of the ISSUP Kenya executive board, a Global Master Trainer with Colombo Plan and is credentialed as an addiction professional (ICAP II). She is the current coordinator of the International Consortium of Universities on Drug Demand Reduction (ICUDDR) Africa region, and is providing leadership and mentorship in development of university-based drug demand reduction programs as a contribution towards professionalizing the drug demand reduction field.
Dr. Yvonne Olando
Dr. Olando has close to 15 years consolidated experience in the substance use prevention and management sector. She is a Clinical Psychologist and is a Certified International Addiction Professional (ICAP III). She is a Tobacco Cessation Specialist (CTTS-MAYO, USA), Global Drug Demand Reduction Trainer (UNODC) and Global Master Trainer, Universal Treatment Curriculum (Colombo Plan). She is a World Heart Federation Emerging Leaders Fellow. She is in charge of Public Education and Advocacy, Counseling and Rehabilitation and Regional Coordination at the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA)
Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.