Assessing Perception and Knowledge regarding HIV and AIDS among High School, College and University students of South Punjab, Pakistan

Assessing Perception and Knowledge regarding HIV & AIDS among youth mostly in colleges and universities has become of extreme importance and concern. Most of the students have inadequate knowledge of high risk group for HIV infection and AIDS.
A cross-sectional study was conducted using a random sampling technique of 300 students in randomly selected high school, colleges and universities of the targeted district of Multan. This recent study was carried out to determine the understanding, common perception and knowledge of educated youth about HIV and AIDS across high schools, colleges and universities of the South Punjab. Data was obtained using structured and standardized questionnaire along with it focus group discussions, face to face interviews and observations were also held among students of different educational institutions.
This study depicted that students had just basic awareness regarding the infection, although most of the students have heard about HIV and AIDS yet 45% of them think that HIV transmitted through sexual intercourse. Moreover myth was there regarding its transmission. About 20% of the students don’t know how many people were living with HIV in Pakistan; similarly 56% of students even don’t know how many people died from AIDS. This study also revealed that 44% of students think that Pakistani people cannot get infected. The research showed that a very little information was recorded regarding various mitigation practices that should be adopted in order to stay away from HIV and AIDS.
Distressing gaps in knowledge relating to HIV and AIDS were identified. Increasing HIV knowledge regarding HIV status, stigma, fear, beliefs, social support, organizational capacity and certification courses in collaboration with governmental, non govt. Departments and organizations regarding HIV & AIDS.