Guideline for peer-to-peer workers with opioid use disorder who receive opioid agonist therapy.

I am pleased to present to you the result of the work of our large team: the third version of the guide for peer consultants who work with people who received opioid agonist therapy.
In the guide, we tried to describe our four-year experience in organizing such work, structured the process, and created a “multitool” for peer consultants, armed with which, they can effectively help patients cope with life's difficulties and improve their quality of life.
I think that we can confidently say that our guide is the first such manual in the World, because all similar guides that we met were either too general or focused on highly qualified employees (case managers), while in our guide the emphasis is on opportunities and strengths of peer consultants and a consistent approach to improving quality of life and adherence to opioid agonist therapy.