Scientific article
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| Monteagudo-Piqueras, O., Puerta, C., Duch, M. A., González, A., De Silva, A., Rementería, O., Lloret, D., Alvira, P., Morán, J., & Sendino, R. (2023). Spanish project of best practice portal in drug demand reduction and behavioural addictions. Adiktologie, 23(1), 89–94.
Partner Organisation

Spanish Project of Best Practice Portal in Drug Demand Reduction and Behavioural Addictions


In Spain, the offer of prevention programmes is very varied and structured, but today the challenge remains how to put evidence into practice. European Commission define a best practice as “a relevant policy or intervention implemented in a real-life setting which has been favourably assessed in terms of adequacy (ethics and evidence) and equity as well as effectiveness and efficiency related to process and outcomes”. The aim of the study was to describe the Spanish Project of Best Practice Portal in Drug Demand Reduction and Behavioural Addictions (the BBPPA portal).


The study design was a descriptive narrative essay on the Spanish BBPPA portal.


The main results were: 1) design the Spanish BBPPA portal; 2) design a programme evaluation system in the field of drug demand reduction and behavioural addictions; 3) identification, evaluation and dissemination of programmes as best practices in drug demand reduction and behavioural addictions, 4) dissemination and regular updating of the available evidence; 5) training of professionals aimed at improving the quality of addiction prevention programmes.


This project shows the feasibility of working on the quality of prevention programmes, applying the European Drug Prevention Quality Standards adapted to the context of the evaluation of best practices in Spain.

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