Epidemic consumption in childhood: Psychoactive substances, Gambling and new technologies

Presented at Thessaloniki 2024 - Panel "Healing Pathways: Exploring Treatment Approaches in Substance Use Disorder", on the 28th of June, 2024.



1. Universidad del Museo Social Argentino UMSA


The presentation exposes the problem of the consumption of psychoactive substances in children of the 21st century, analyzing the epidemic growth associated with new parenting modalities. The prevalent socialization of children through virtual space is analyzed with the absence of parental figures in the selection and supervision of content offered by cyberspace.

The phenomenon of psychoactive substance consumption is understood as an automorphic behavior generated in the context of parenting and institutional spaces of childhood that are blurred and delegitimized from an early age.

The socialization offered to children through an Anonymous cyberspace compromises the development of solid emotional bonds with adults and peers. The lack of solid social emotional ties gives rise to the development of a compulsive search for external stimuli such as psychoactive substances. Gambling and other virtual challenges that leave the child alone in the construction of an increasingly labile subjectivity.

The presentation exposes preventive tools for these compulsions for family members and teachers and technical tools for professionals to include in treatments.

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