Annual ISAM Global Congress 2025: Abstract Submission

Abstract submission now open until November 15, 2024

Useful information: How to submit an abstract in ConfTool

Submission Guidelines:

  • Lead author must be attending ISAM 2025.
  • Abstracts must be written in English.
  • The study presented in the abstract must be approved within the scope of ethics and animal experimentation rules.
  • Abstracts must be original and must not have been published or presented at another meeting.
  • Abstracts must be submitted under one of these formats: Symposium, Workshop, Oral Presentation or Poster Presentation
  • Two learning objectives must be indicated for each presentation, workshop and symposium.

Presentation Type:


  • Each symposium is scheduled to be 90 minutes in length and is composed of three speakers and one chair (one of the symposium organizers must act as a chair in their proposed symposium).
  • Each speaker is requested to submit a speech abstract (limited to 300 words including background and objective).


  • Workshops are scheduled to be interactive, 90 minutes in length, can consist of data presentation and/or skills-building sessions.
  • Workshops can have two to four speakers.
  • The team of speakers will be managed by a chair, a co-chair or moderator is optional.
  • The abstract is limited to 300 words including background and objective of the workshop.

Oral Presentation:

  • An oral presentation is a brief talk, typically 15 minutes (13 minutes talk + 2 minutes Q&A).
  • Presenters will receive an email notification of acceptance with the date, time, and type (oral or poster) of presentation.
  • The abstract is limited to 500 words and 3-5 references. References are not included in the word count.
  • All tables, figures, and reference citations must be referred to in the text of the abstract.
  • The abstract should be structured into the following sections:
    • Introduction/Objectives
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
  • The Congress Committee is permitted to publish the accepted abstract in the ISAM 2025 program booklet.

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