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Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age

Webinar Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age

Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age

In an increasingly digital world, gambling and gaming have transformed significantly, bringing new challenges that affect individuals and communities globally. To address these issues, ISSUP Indonesia, in collaboration with Seagulls Flock and the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board (IGCCB), presents the webinar "Global Perspectives on Gambling and Gaming: Navigating the Risks in this Digital Age."

The digital revolution has significantly changed how people engage in gambling and gaming. With the proliferation of online platforms and easy access through smartphones, there has been a rapid increase in these activities. While entertaining for many, both can lead to problematic behaviors, resulting in negative impacts on personal lives.

Problem gambling is marked by an inability to control gambling behaviors, while gaming disorder involves excessive time spent playing video games to the detriment of daily activities and mental health. The similarities between gambling and gaming disorders and substance use disorders (SUD) underscore the need for effective interventions.

The rise of online gambling and gaming globally, including in Indonesia, has increased rates of addiction. Online platforms allow individuals to gamble or game privately, bypassing regulations, while young people risk mental health issues due to excessive gaming.

Stigma around gambling and gaming addiction prevents people from seeking help, both in Indonesia and worldwide. Misconceptions about gaming as harmless often lead to unrecognized addiction, underscoring the need for education and awareness.

Both gambling and gaming are linked to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, especially due to their addictive nature. The lack of support services in many countries, including Indonesia, highlights a global gap in addressing these problems effectively.


Event Details

🗓️ Date: 7th November 2024  

🕗 Time: 08:00 AM (GMT+7)  

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Join us and engage with leading experts as they discuss key aspects of gambling and gaming in the digital era, the similarities with substance use disorders (SUD), and effective intervention strategies. Our experts will provide insights into how Indonesia's experience aligns with and diverges from global trends in gambling and gaming addiction and prevention.


Key Topics and Our Esteemed Panelists


• Basics of Problem Gambling and the Need for a Trained Workforce

Presented by: Jody Bechtold, LCSW, ICGC-II, BACC, IGDC, CGT - President of the International Gambling Counselor Certification Board (IGCCB)


• Approaches and Techniques for Preventing Gaming Disorder Among Youth

Presented by: Dr. Stephanie Diez-Morel, Ph.D., LCSW, MCAP, IGDC, BACC - Program Director, Graduate Social Work, Pennsylvania Western University


• Mapping Challenges and Strategies for Effective Intervention in Gambling Disorder in Indonesia

Presented by: Dr. Kristiana Siste, Sp.KJ, Subsp.Ad(K) - Head of Psychiatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia


• Impact of Digital Media on Gambling Addiction and Click-and-Pay Mechanisms

Presented by: Mike Hooper, CADC-I, CPRS - Certified Substance Abuse Counselor, Peer Recovery Specialist, SMART Recovery International


• Advantages of BetBlocker: A Free and Anonymous Gambling Blocking Software

Presented by: Pedro M. Romero Franco - Psychologist, Counselor, Safer Gambling Expert, BetBlocker


• Key Points from the Lancet Public Health Commission on Gambling  

Presented by: Dr. Angela Rintoul - Commissioner, Lancet Public Health Commission on Gambling


Moderated by

Dr. Zulvia Syarif, Sp.KJ. – ISSUP Indonesia  


Who Should Attend?

This webinar is designed for:

• Professionals working in the fields of mental health, substance use prevention, and addiction treatment.

• Social workers, educators, and counselors interested in understanding the dynamics of gambling and gaming.

• Policy-makers, public health experts, and anyone seeking insights into reducing the risks associated with digital gambling and gaming.


Join Us and Be Part of the Solution


This webinar offers a unique opportunity to learn from leading experts, share experiences, and enhance your understanding of how we can navigate the risks associated with gambling and gaming in today's digital age, with a particular focus on Indonesia's challenges and their relevance to the global landscape.


🔗 Register today to secure your spot: