NRC conducts first Arabic UTC Walkthrough Training

The National Rehabilitation Center has collaborated with Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program, Colombo Plan to support the Middle East Governmental and non-governmental in its efforts to fight illicit drug production, trafficking, use and to curb related organized crime, including counterfeit narcotics and psychotropic substances.

The NRC has conducted the first circle of Arabic UTC Walkthrough training for Middle East professionals took place in Abu Dhabi, UAE from 27th -31st January 2019 and another on 30th March – 4th April 2019 and the ICAP I, II, III examination on 13th June 2019.  The participants were from various teaching and regional Hospitals in the Middle East that included Medical Doctors, Consultant Psychiatrists, Psychiatric nurses, Clinical psychologists and Social Worker, most of them holding senior positions in their respective workplaces. All of them are working in the area of substance use disorder treatment.

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