Webinar: "Mental Health in the Workplace"

10 October 2017: Webinar "Mental Health in the Workplace"
World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to discuss the mental health of employees, which is often not considered. The workplace is a very important setting to promote practices that support people with mental health problems and protect the well-being of all workers.
In commemoration of the day, the Mental Health and Substance Use Unit of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) will hold a webinar on 10 October to promote and raise awareness about mental health in the workplace and continue the discussion about depression.
Time and Links
- DATE: Tuesday, 10 October 2017
- TIME: 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (Washington DC time)
- See time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/
- PLACE: Room B, PAHO HQ, 525 23rd St., NW, Washington DC, 20037
- English: http://bit.ly/2fevunK
- Spanish: http://bit.ly/2ffw2tp
Moderator: M. Anthony Duttine, Advisor on Disabilities, Mental Health Unit, PAHO/WHO
- 10:30-10:40 am Welcome and opening. Claudina Cayetano. Regional Advisor on Mental Health, PAHO/WHO
- 10:40- 11:05 am Work in the context of globalization and digitalization, and its adverse mental health effects.Johannes Siegrist. Senior Professor Life-Science-Center, Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf, Germany.
- 11:05-11:30 am Depression in women: Risk factor and healthcare needs. Laura Elena Navarrete Reyes. Medical Sciences Researcher. National Institute of Psychiatry. Mexico
- 11:30-11:55 am Workplace wellness: Preventing Provider Burnout and Depression. Nhi-Ha Trinh. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School (HMS) Director, MGH Department of Psychiatry Center for Diversity, Director of Multicultural Studies and Director of Clinical Services, MGH Depression Clinical and Research Program
- 11.55-12:20 pm Questions and Answers.
- 12:20-12:30 pm Closing remarks. Dévora Kestel. Unit Chief, Mental Health and Substance Use, PAHO/WHO