Publication Date
Published by / Citation
Chudley Edward Werch, PhD
Original Language


United States

Free Online Training in Providing the SPORT (Alcohol & Drug) Prevention Plus Wellness Program

For the first time ever, we’ll be providing a FREE two-hour training workshop on implementing the evidence-based one-session SPORT Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) program. 

The SPORT PPW program is being provided across all 50 US states and abroad to high school, middle school and elementary school-aged youth in nearly all settings where youth are found, including school, community, medical, recreational, sports, home and more. 

This training will consist of two one-hour sessions detailed below. 

Please join us and share this information with others in your region and state.

These training sessions are limited in space, so register as soon as possible.

For questions contact us: info [at] preventionpluswellness [dot] com (info[at]preventionpluswellness[dot]com) or (904) 472-5022.

Learn more and register:

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