Family Drug and Alcohol Courts in Northern Ireland (FDAC)
Introduction of Minimum Unit Price for Alcohol approved in Welsh Assembly Vote
The Welsh Government will introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol of 50p from 2 March 2020, with regulations today being approved by the National Assembly for Wales.
The new law supports the Welsh Government’s work to address harmful...
بررسی سیستماتیک سریع آنچه ما در مورد اختلالات استفاده از الکل و مداخلات کوتاه در سیستم عدالت کیفری می دانیم
راهنمایی در اجرای حداقل قیمت گذاری برای الکل
Risk Assessment Tools in Criminal Justice and Forensic Psychiatry: The Need for Better Data
Violence risk assessment tools are increasingly used within criminal justice and forensic psychiatry, however there is little relevant, reliable and unbiased data regarding their predictive accuracy. We argue that such data are...
A Serious Matter: Laughing Gas Prompts Review of UK’s Psychoactive Substances Act
Introduced in 2016, The Psychoactive Substances Act is designed to deal with the influx of new drugs often labelled ‘legal highs’.
The Act bans any substance that "by stimulating or depressing the person’s central nervous system… affects...
UK Health Professionals Call for Minimum Unit Pricing of Alcohol in England
Senior health professionals are calling for Westminster to introduce minimum unit pricing of alcohol and clampdown on drinks advertising in England.
They claim that within the next five years up to 63,000 people across the country will die...
Effectiveness Bank Analysis: Mandatory Assessment for Arrestees Does Not Cut Crime
Further evidence from England that the ‘Tough Choices’ schemes which force people arrested for certain offences to be tested for heroin or cocaine use and if positive to be assessed for treatment do not pay back in terms of treatment...
دادگاه اسکاتلند حکم به نفع حداقل قیمت برای الکل
پس از بیش از چهار سال از تاکتیک های تاخیر صنعت، حکم دیروز از جلسه دادگاه در ادینبورگ در نهایت راه را برای معرفی حداقل قیمت برای الکل در اسکاتلند هموار، سیاست تایید شده توسط نمایندگان مجلس در سال 2012. این تصمیم بر خلاف چالشی است که توسط...
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