Online Training on UTC 4A
Psychoeducation for Clients & Families.
Organized by Supreme Training & Consultancy Malaysia.
For registration, please email pm [dot] stcm [at] gmail [dot] com
د درملنې د نړیوال نصاب ( UTC 6 , 7 & 8 ) په اړه روزنه
٦ کورس : د روږدو کسانو لپاره د قضیې مدیریت
دا یو بنسټی او د مهارتونو پر بنسټ کورس دی چې د SUD په درملنه کې د قضیې مدیریت ته کتنه برابروی او د قضیې د مدیریت په دندو کې د مهارتونو تمرین چمتو کوی.
اووم کورس : د روږدو کسانو لپاره د بحران مداخله...
The Influence of Psychological Factors during Early Years of Life in the Development of Addiction
Addiction is a multifaceted condition with various entry and exit points throughout its course in an individual's life. In some adolescents, early onset can be followed by limited adolescent use or abuse and is more related to...
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for Advanced Liver Cirrhosis: A Case Report
Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) transplant may offer an alternative to liver transplantation in patients with end‐stage liver disease. However, its efficacy remains uncertain. MSC was performed on a 50‐year‐old male with decompensated...
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