Pouring over public opinion: Alcohol Policies in the UK
In the UK, alcohol presents an urgent and growing problem: 70 people die due to alcohol every day. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated this crisis, with alcohol-specific deaths having increased by 27% between 2019 and 2021, reaching...
How have governments communicated UK alcohol duty policy changes?
Pricing, including taxation, is a key tool to address harm from alcohol and is identified by the World Health Organization as a ‘best buy’ policy (meaning it is both effective in reducing harm and cost-effective). However alcohol was 72%...
د الکولی مشروباتو د استعمال اغېزې
هغه مداخلې چې د الکول شتون محدودوی د زیان خطر کموی. خو تر دې دمه روښانه نه ده چې ولې داسې کېږی.
پدې څیړنه کې ، د عامې روغتیا ټیمونو ، پولیسو ، د ځایی چارواکو جواز ورکولو ټیمونو او وکیلانو ، او د الکول ځایونو جواز ورکولو کمیټو نظریات وپلټل...
UK Drug Strategy
The International Journal of Drug Policy has published a special collection of articles focusing on UK drug strategy.
The collection includes:
- Introduction to special section on UK drug strategy
- Words matter: A commentary on the new UK...
په انګلستان کې د مخدره توکو پالیسی: د جرم یا روغتیا مسله
د خطر ماټریكس : د انګلستان او ویلز په جېل كې په نشه یی توکو پورې تړلی مړینې ، ۲۰۱۵ – ۲۰۲۰
د ' دوه ګونی تشخیص ' پیچلتیا او ننګونې

دا د نشه یی توکو او الکولو د خپراوی ادرسونه یوه ګرمه موضوع ده کوم چې ګرم بحث تولیدوی- دوه ګونی تشخیص.
که د دماغی روغتیا په ستونزو تمرکز وشی او که د مادې د ستونزو څخه کار واخلی کله چې ناروغ دواړه نندارې ته وړاندې کوی د اوږدې مودې لپاره...
Family Drug and Alcohol Courts in Northern Ireland (FDAC)
Minimum Unit Pricing of alcohol in Scotland
Here you can read a briefing paper put together by Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems that examines minimum unit pricing in Scotland.
The paper provides an overview of:
- Alcohol harm in Scotland
- What is MUP and why was it...
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Executive summary
The 10-year UK Government plan to combat illegal drugs sets out how we are doing more than ever to cut off the supply of drugs by criminal gangs and give people with a drug addiction a route to a productive and drug-free...
Marketing and Consumption of No and Low Alcohol Drinks in the UK
With NoLo products increasing in popularity among producers and customers, a new report looks at how these drinks are marketed in the UK and how and why consumers drink them.
Using interviews with drinkers and non-drinkers, as well as...
له زیان څخه تر هېله : د نشه یی توکو لس کلن پلان لری چې د جرمونو د پرې کولو او د ژوند د ژغورلو لپاره
په لاره اچولو پیښه: دامی کارول بلک د نشه یی توکو خپلواکه کتنه ، دویمه برخه
Drug-related Deaths in Scotland in 2020
In 2020,1339 drug-related deaths were registered in Scotland.
This is a 5% increase compared to figures from 2019.
Other key findings show:
- The number of drug-related deaths has increased substantially over the last 20 years – there...
په سکاټلینډ او ویلز کې د الکولو د پیرودلو په اړه د لږې واحدې نرخونو اغیز
سکاټلینډ او ویلز د الکولو د پیرودلو په اړه د لږ مصرف او زیان د کمولو په هڅه کې، سکاټلینډ او ویلز د الکولو په پیرودلو کې لږ تر لږه د واحد نرخونه ( MUP ) معرفی کړل.
لږ تر لږه د واحد قیمت (MUP) د قیمت ورکولو پالیسی ده چې د الکولو محصولاتو...
Nudge Theory and Alcohol Policy: How Nudge Might Shape Drinking
- Nudge theory aims to understand human decision making in order to optimise the outcomes from choices for decision makers. The theory has become increasingly popular amongst public health policymakers in recent years
- The use of...
نارینه او الکول : د مهمو موضوعاتو راپور پیل شو
'نارینه او الکول: د مهمو موضوعاتو راپور' د ۲۰۱۹/۲۰۲۰ شااپ/ای اس نارینه او الکول سیمینار لړۍ کلیدی موندنې سره یوځای کوی، او د څېړنې ، پالیسۍ او تمرین لپاره سپارښتنې کوی. د راپور د لیدلو / ډاونلوډ کولو لپاره ، دلته کلیک وکړئ.
Review of Drugs: Phase One Report
In February 2019, the UK government appointed Professor Dame Carol Black to undertake an independent review of drugs.
The aim of the review was to inform the government’s thinking on what more can be done to tackle the harm that drugs...
Roadmap to a Smokefree 2030
In July 2019, the UK Government set out its ambition for England to be smokefree by 2030. Government guidelines say the next steps should have been announced by 6th January 2020, but it has yet to do so.
Several key charities, including...
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