Cannabis laws in Europe: questions and answers for policymaking
This publication answers some of the more frequently asked questions raised in discussions about cannabis legislation. While the primary focus is on the use of cannabis for recreational purposes, relevant legislation for other...
How have governments communicated UK alcohol duty policy changes?
Pricing, including taxation, is a key tool to address harm from alcohol and is identified by the World Health Organization as a ‘best buy’ policy (meaning it is both effective in reducing harm and cost-effective). However alcohol was 72%...
د LGBTQ+ خلکو لپاره د الکول بازارموندنه
د SHAAP / SARN 'الکول کله ناکله' ویبینار ویډیو وګورئ ، چې د 24 می په 2023 کې د زوم په اړه ترسره شوی: "LGBTQ + خلکو ته د الکول بازارموندنه: د هویت په نښه کولو لپاره ستراتیژیانې رامینځته کول"، د ډاکټر ډیویډ وایټلی لخوا.
Learning together: Progressing Decriminalisation in Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Poland & Maine
There has been substantial progress in the discussion and implementation of decriminalisation of drugs in the past 10 years. The issue is more broadly discussed and is more central to wider discourse around drug use and drug harms...
د کوکائین 2023 نړیوال راپور
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention
How to Inform Policy and Decision Makers About Evidence-Based Substance Use Policy and Prevention.
Matej Košir
د ' دوه ګونی تشخیص ' پیچلتیا او ننګونې

دا د نشه یی توکو او الکولو د خپراوی ادرسونه یوه ګرمه موضوع ده کوم چې ګرم بحث تولیدوی- دوه ګونی تشخیص.
که د دماغی روغتیا په ستونزو تمرکز وشی او که د مادې د ستونزو څخه کار واخلی کله چې ناروغ دواړه نندارې ته وړاندې کوی د اوږدې مودې لپاره...
Publishing, Policymaking & Promotion: Expanding Your Research
Originally held on September 6, 2022, this webinar focuses on questions from new researchers and international researchers looking to expand their work.
Funding, publishing, policymaking, and advocacy are discussed.
په جرمنی ، مرکزی آسیا او چین کې د مخدره موادو کلتور او پالیسی
دا ټوک د فرانکفورت د تطبیقی علومو په پوهنتون کې د 25 مې نړیوالې اونۍ څخه راوتلی دی. هغه مرستې چې په دې کې شاملې دی د هغو مقالو پر بنسټ دی چې د مخدره موادو کارول او درملنه، ایچ آی وی / ایدز او نورو ساری ناروغیو او په زندانونو کې ټولنیز کار...
د ارزانه الکولو لپاره هیڅ ځای نشته: د ژوند د خوندی کولو لپاره د ټیټقیمت ارزښت
د WHO اروپایی سیمه په نړۍ کې د الکولو د مصرف او د الکولو په اړه د زیانونو اړوند ځینې لوړې کچې لری. د نرخونو سیاستونه او مالیه اخیستل د هغو اغیزمنو اقداماتو څخه دی چې پالیسی جوړونکی یې د دې زیانونو د ځوابولو لپاره کارولی شی، خو دوی په...
Balance de una década de política de drogas: Avances y Retos
Alcohol & Human Rights
The Institute of Alcohol Studies presents Seminar Four in its four-part series on alcohol and sustainability. Seminar Four explored workers’ rights for alcohol industry employees in the developing world; industry practices in Africa...
World Drug Report 2022
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) Webinar Series
Various NPS have significantly changed the picture of drug use in different countries. They are now very prominent in the drug market. Indeed, many of these substances are intended to circumvent drug laws and are sold as ‘legal’...
Novel Psychoactive Substances: Policy, Economics and Drug Regulation
In light of the recent emergence of Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) on a global scale, this book provides a timely analysis of the social and economic impact of the NPS phenomenon, and of the global policy and regulatory responses to it...
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Executive summary
The 10-year UK Government plan to combat illegal drugs sets out how we are doing more than ever to cut off the supply of drugs by criminal gangs and give people with a drug addiction a route to a productive and drug-free...
Strategy for Preventing Opioid Use Disorder in Communities
Key Issues
- Substance use often begins in adolescence.
- Any substance use in adolescence can have detrimental effects on the developing brain.
- Effects of substance use/misuse accumulate over time increasing societal costs and public...
Reducing the harm from alcohol by regulating cross-border alcohol marketing, advertising and promotion
This comprehensive report details the full extent of the way that alcohol is being marketed across national borders – often by digital means – and often regardless of the social, economic or cultural environment in receiving countries.
Alcohol-related violence & deprivation
Watch the research presentations on alcohol-related violence and deprivation by Lucy Bryant (Institute of Alcohol Studies, IAS) and Dr Carly Lightowlers (University of Liverpool), delivered at the SHAAP/SARN 'Alcohol Occasionals' webinar...
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