Enhancing Well-being and Preventing Burnout Amongst Treatment Practitioners
Mental Health and Substance Use Among University Students in Ukraine During the War: Results of a Nationwide Survey
Addiction Language Guide
The Addiction Language Guide serves as a comprehensive resource designed to address and combat stigmatizing language associated with addiction. Stigmatizing language often involves attaching negative labels and stereotypes to specific...
Science of Self-Care: How It Helps and Why It Matters
Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals
Health & Wellness in Recovery: Programs & Topics
The American Addictions Centers provide insights into how a healthy diet and exercise can enhance overall health and recovery. This resource offers an overview of the root of addiction and how to overcome it through healthy life habits...
Eight Dimensions of Wellness
SAMHSA explains the concept of wellness, encompassing physical and mental health. This resource elaborates on the eight dimensions of wellness that cover various aspects of modern-day life, highlighting the interconnection between physical...
Estigma de profesionales de la salud y psicosociales hacia personas que usan drogas
Journey to Wellness Guide
Longtime wellness expert and creator of the 8 Dimensions of Health Dr. Peggy Swarbrick has published a new tool- a Journey to Wellness Guide.
This Journey to Wellness Guide is designed to help people find new ideas to use to begin or...
Healing Families, Helping Systems: A Trauma-Informed Practice Guide for Working with Children, Youth & Families
This guide is concerned with advancing understanding and action about trauma-informed approaches that support program and service delivery for/with children, youth, and families. A trauma-informed approach is a system-wide approach that is...
Provision of addiction treatment services during the war in Ukraine
سټیګما ، کورنۍ او ټولنه
د مخدره توکو کارولو او روانی روغتیا خدماتو ملی سروې (N-SUMHSS) ، 2021: د موادو کارولو او روانی روغتیا درملنې اسانتیاو په اړه معلومات
N-SUMHSS په متحده ایالاتو ، د هغې سیمو ، او DC کې د ټولو فعال موادو کارولو او روانی روغتیا تاسیساتو رضاکارانه کلنی سروې ده. کلنی راپور د مخدره توکو کارولو او روانی روغتیا تاسیساتو عمومی پروفایل ، د درملو / درملو کارول ، د ژبې مرستې چمتو شوی...
International Symposium: Mental health of the population during the war: new challenges for society and consequences for the economy
Bi-Monthly Webinar: ISSUP Nigeria Knowledge Update Series (Seventeenth Session)
پانډا - د رغیدو په لاره کې بشپړ ډیجیټل ملګری
د بدنامۍ او د موادو د استعمال اختلال ژبه
Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) as a new storm for Mental Health and Addiction Professionals: Insight from Developing Countries
په مشرۍ کې زغم : د ځان د پاملرنې او د نورو د پاملرنې لپاره کلیدی چلندونه
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