Substance Use Disorders and Oral Health
Tobacco use and behaviour among South African adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
Objective Tobacco use, particularly the initiation of smoking during adolescence and young adulthood, represents a significant public health concern in South Africa. This study aims to conduct a comprehensive review of published...
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part II: Introduction to Brief Interventions and Referral to Treatment
Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment for Substance Use. Part I: Introduction to SBIRT and Screening Tools for Substance Use.
Panda - The perfect digital companion on the road to recovery
Мова стигми та розладу, пов'язаного з вживанням психоактивних речовин
ITTC South Africa Online (Live) Motivational Interviewing Training 4 CPD Points
This live training on Motivational Interviewing takes place weekly on Thursdays from 10am till 11am SAST on the following dates: 9, 16, 23 & 30 March 2023.
Motivational Interviewing is a best-evidence approach for tackling harmful...
ITTC South Africa Online (Live) SBIRT Training 5 CPD Points
Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS)-SA: Implementation, Results, and Implications for Policy
Recovery is Possible: Defining Recovery in terms of abstinence-based treatment and Opioid substitution therapy
‘I Was Present but I Was Absent’: Perceptions and Experiences of the Non-Medical Use of Prescription or over the Counter Medication among Employed South African Women
Abstract: Background: The need for workplace substance use prevention programmes globally and in South Africa is driven by the growing problem of substance use and the associated burden on the health and welfare of employees, their families...
National Chapter South Africa, Day 6, 02:57-03:17
Presented as part of the Uniting the global community to face the challenge of addiction event, online, on 17th May, 2022
National Chapter South Africa
National Chapters
Each National Chapter showcases its work, highlights...
Звіт по країні - Південна Африка, 6-й день, 03:17-06:36
Представлено в рамках заходу «Об'єднання світової спільноти для протистояння викликанню залежності», онлайн, 17 травня 2022 року
Звіт по країні: Південна Африка
Звіти по країнах
Звіти по країнах з детальним описом...
Mental Health Made Simple
Twin Rivers Rehab
Mental Health Made Simple
What is Mental Health?
Mental health is a blanket term that refers to our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. Mental health also helps...
Unnatural deaths, alcohol bans and curfews in South Africa
"Unnatural deaths, alcohol bans and curfews in South Africa: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment during COVID-19” by Professor Charles Parry, Medical Research Council of South Africa.
Part of the ICARA-led webinar held on 17 August...
Addiction Conference 2021 Report
Наслідки мінімальної ціни за одиницю алкоголю в Південній Африка
Мінімальне ціноутворення за одиницю товару (MUP) на алкоголь – це політика, згідно з якою вводиться встановлена ціна, нижче якої фіксований обсяг алкоголю не може бути проданий населенню. Кілька країн, включаючи Шотландію, Канаду, деякі...
Закон про правосуддя дітей, 2008 (Закон 75 від 2008 року) та використання / володіння канабісом дітьми
The Demand for Alcohol in South Africa during the National Lockdown
The Demand for Alcohol in South Africa
The sale, dispensing and distribution of liquor was prohibited in the nationwide lockdown on levels 5 and 4 (DMA, 2002; Amendment Regulations 2020:22). The alcohol ban that was imposed during these...
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