Carlton Hall is the president and CEO of Carlton Hall Consulting LLC, a multi-faceted, full-service consulting organization designed to provide customized solutions and enable measurable change for communities, organizations, families and individuals. Carlton spent twelve years with the Community Anti Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) serving in serval managerial positions and including most recently, Acting Vice President, Training Operations, and Acting Director for CADCA's National Coalition Institute, responsible for the day to day operational oversight, design, and implementation of its premiere national training delivery system. Carlton also supported CADCA’s International Programs in partnership with the US State Department’s International Narcotics Law Enforcement division (INL), managing training programs in Kenya, South Africa, and Ghana. Carlton is one of the primary architects of CADCA’s National Coalition Academy. The Academy, a year-long coalition development program, is designed to increase the effectiveness of communities in drug demand reduction at population level outcomes.
With more than 25 years' experience in the fields of government, social services and prevention science, Carlton first gained national prominence as a Communities That Care® Project Manager, for the Channing Bete Company. He was a Communities That Care® trainer/senior consultant with Channing Bete Company for four years. He received his Master's in Human Services from Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. He was appointed as the Project Director for the Communities That Care® process in Philadelphia as well as the Crime and Public Safety manager for the Philadelphia Empowerment Zone, a division of the Mayor’s Office of Community Services. During that time he managed a small planning grant to over three million dollars for science-based prevention programming in the neighborhoods of Philadelphia.
Carlton also was responsible for the design and implementation of the award-winning "Operation Makeover", an effective community-wide intervention addressing blatant open-air drug trafficking and increasing levels of juvenile violence and substance abuse offences. Operation Makeover was recognized by Vice-President Al Gore and featured in "Programs That Work" a publication by the Office of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). After years of volunteering with many youth organizations Carlton founded The STRONG Foundation in 1993, which created opportunities to reduce service duplication while increasing partnerships with existing youth organizations.
Carlton’s responsibilities, unique set of skills and experience has made him one of the most highly sought after instructors and guides for community problem solving in every state and territory in the nation as well as internationally, with successful achievements in South Africa, Ghana, Bermuda, Kenya and others.