"Bachelor´s Degree in Psychology, Master´s Degree in Family Therapy, PhD in Family and Couple Therapy, and doctorate in Psychoanalysis.
General Director of Centros de Integración Juvenil, author and compiler of several scientific articles and books. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal Journal of Substance Use and executive editor of the International Journal of Addiction Research.
She is co-founder of the College of Specialists for Addiction Care. She is General Coordinator of the professorship in Addictions ""Dr. Jesús Kumate Rodríguez"" and Academic Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Addiction Management, both at the Anáhuac University. And President of the International Society of Professionals for the Attention of Drug Use Chapter Mexico (ISSUP Mexico).
She received the Anahuac Leadership Medal in Psychology in 2009; the Queen Sofia Award in 2010 and the Mexican Psychology Award in 2019.