European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) was established in 1993. Inaugurated in Lisbon in 1995, it is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. The EMCDDA exists to provide the EU and its Member States with a factual overview of European drug problems and a solid evidence base to support the drugs debate. Today it offers policymakers the data they need for drawing up informed drug laws and strategies. It also helps professionals and practitioners working in the field pinpoint best practice and new areas of research.


The EMCDDA was set up to provide 'factual, objective, reliable and comparable information concerning drugs, drug addiction and their consequences'

Teens and substance use — what can parents do?

Video and audio recordings
Objective: To help adults manage risks relating to adolescent substance use in line with evidence-based prevention principles. Background: Smoking and drinking among 15–16-year-old school students are showing signs of decline, but there are...

EMCDDA Cocaine Hub

Overview Cocaine is the hydrochloride salt produced from the leaves of the coca plant. Powder cocaine is typically snorted and less frequently injected. Crack is a smokable form of cocaine and is manufactured from cocaine hydrochloride...

Hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and related substances

Introduction The markets for hexahydrocannabinol (HHC) and related semi-synthetic cannabinoids (SSC) are rapidly evolving areas with relatively limited information currently available. The European situation presented in Section 1 can only...

Responding to stimulant use — developments in treatment

Video and audio recordings
Objective: To better understand current developments in the treatment of stimulant use. Background: Stimulant drugs are second only to cannabis as the most widely used class of illicit drug globally, accounting for 68 million past-year...

The future of drug monitoring in Europe until 2030

Introduction Patterns of drug use and developments in the drug market in Europe are becoming more complex and dynamic, with major implications for drug monitoring and research. This observation prompted the European Monitoring Centre for...

European Drugs Summer School 2023

Event Date

This two week in-person Summer School (26th of June to 7th of July 2023) prepares professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that face Europe and the World in the field of drugs.

EMCDDA webinar: Displaced people and EU preparedness — lessons from Ukraine

Event Date

Objective: to understand the short- and long-term responses of drug services to a major flux of displaced people and the related challenges.

Background: COVID-19 has raised attention in Europe, and globally, on the importance of monitoring preparedness towards potential emergencies.