European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) was established in 1993. Inaugurated in Lisbon in 1995, it is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies. The EMCDDA exists to provide the EU and its Member States with a factual overview of European drug problems and a solid evidence base to support the drugs debate. Today it offers policymakers the data they need for drawing up informed drug laws and strategies. It also helps professionals and practitioners working in the field pinpoint best practice and new areas of research.


The EMCDDA was set up to provide 'factual, objective, reliable and comparable information concerning drugs, drug addiction and their consequences'

European Drugs Summer School

Event Date

The 2020 edition of the 'Summer school on illicit drugs Europe' will take place from 29 June-10 July 2020. 

Prevention of Drug-Related Deaths

Opioids are a class of drugs that act on the nervous system to produce feelings of pleasure and pain relief. Opioids have a high potential for causing addiction in some people and can cause life-threatening health problems, including the...

EDPQS Toolkit 4: Adaptation and Dissemination

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 3: Training

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 2: Self-Assessment & Reflection

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 1: Funding & Decision-Making

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

Hepatitis C New Models of Care for Drugs Services

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has a high prevalence in people who inject drugs in Europe, although HCV infection is both preventable and curable. European clinical guidelines recommend that all patients with chronic liver disease as a...

Infographics: European Drug Report 2019

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
EMCDDA has developed a range of downloadable infographics to illustrate findings from the European Drug Report 2019. The aim of the report is to provide reliable and detailed evidence of the drug situation in Europes so that practice and...

European Drug Report (EDR) 2019: Trends and Developments

The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) has published the latest European Drug Report, which provides an analysis of the latest data on the drug trends across the European Union, Norway and Turkey. The aim of...