European Drugs Summer School

The 2020 edition of the 'Summer school on illicit drugs Europe' will take place from 29 June-10 July 2020.
The two-week summer school in Lisbon will cover issues related to the drugs problem in Europe and beyond. The summer school prepares professionals and students to meet the complex policy challenges that face Europe in the field of drugs. The event will involve Scientific Experts from the EMCDDA and guest lecturers from European Universities.
A maximum of 5 scholarships (of 50 % of the total fee of 700 €) will be offered to eligible students by ISCTE. In order to be considered, applicants must fill the application form, indicating that they apply for a scholarship, by 3 February 2020.
Target Audience
University students (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate), researchers, professionals and administrators interested in or working in the drugs field, including participants from the EMCDDA's network of focal points in 30 countries, or from programmes being developed by the EMCDDA with third countries (e.g. Western Balkans, North Africa, Eastern Europe).