Looking ahead to World Drug Day - 26 June 2021

This year International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking takes place on 26 June 2021. The commemoration is also commonly known as World Drug Day.

The campaign theme is "Share Facts on Drugs. Save Lives" - a theme that stresses the importance of awareness of the facts on drugs (and their dangers), and of evidence-based prevention, treatment, and care. The campaign will highlight key statistics, drawn from the World Drug Report, due to be launched on 24 June, and what is needed to bridge the gap between the current situation and a vision of health for all.

The 2021 World Drug Day key messages are:

  • The population in developing countries is growing, and so will the number of users –particularly in Africa– if we don’t act now. The UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa can support this continental response.
  • The drug market has successfully rebounded after the COVID-19 pandemic but it has triggered or accelerated pre-existing trafficking dynamics across the global drug market. We must catch up.
  • Cannabis has almost quadrupled in strength over the last two decades. However, the percentage of adolescents perceiving cannabis as harmful has decreased by as much as 40 per cent. We must work closer with youth and raise awareness about the potential health risks of drug use.
  • The increasingly prominent role of technology. During the global pandemic, technological innovation has helped us develop new ways to treat people with drug use disorders and increase the reach of healthcare professionals. We must continue bridging the digital divide to extend the benefits of technology to all.
  • Too many people do not have access to controlled medicine, particularly in low income countries. We need greater international cooperation.
  • There is a noted increase in the number of people who use drugs. People who use drugs and people with drug use disorders are particularly vulnerable to the effects of COVID-19. We must remember not to leave them behind during the recovery from COVID-19.

Visit the UNODC World Drug Day website to get more information on the campaign.

Follow the conversation and share on social media using the official hashtags #ShareFactsOnDrugs and #SaveLives