
Join us for the launch of the ISSUP Kenya Code of Ethics! In attendance would be the CEO C&P Board and ISSUP Kenya founding member Dr Matilda Mghoi accompanied by the former ISSUP Kenya trustee Dr Richard Gakunju (Former Chair GCCC and Clinical Director, MASAA). The Code of Ethics will be presented by Catherine Mwati, the Ethics & Disciplinary sub-committee chair. It will be moderated by Albert Muraya.
ISSUP Kenya and ISSUP Uganda participated in a two day event dubbed "Connecting The Parallels Workshop Series". It was sponsored by Svenska Institute, Sweden under the East African Network (EAN) on drugs prevention and
أنتم مدعوون إلى الإطلاق الرسمي للاتحاد الدولي لبدائل السجن (ICATI) خلال الدورة السابعة والستين للجنة المخدرات (CND) التي ستعقد في 21 مارس 2024.
In this edition of the ISSUP Newsletter we bring you another useful roundup of stories, updates and events from the ISSUP community and our partners. We also invite you to join us for a special launch event on 13 March.
Join us for a Zoom Panel Discussion on "Women in SUD
L'Associazione Casa Rosetta sta avviando il progetto "La persona al centro", finanziato dal Dipartimento delle politiche antidroga della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, per la prevenzione e il contrasto delle dipendenze da sostanze nelle giovani generazioni. Il progetto prevede eventi di sensibilizzazione sulla prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze e lo sviluppo a cascata del programma scolastico “Unplugged” nei territori di Caltanissetta, Enna e Agrigento.
تود ISSUP Nigeria دعوتك لحضور الجلسة الحادية والعشرين من ندوتها عبر الإنترنت نصف الشهرية القادمة في سلسلة تحديث المعرفة. ستركز هذه الندوة عبر الويب على موضوع "الخدمات الموجهة للتعافي في الاضطرابات المتزامنة".
تدعوكم جمعية ISSUP وشبكة المرأة العالمية للانضمام إليهم في حدث خاص: قوة التعاون العالمي: شراكة جديدة للتأثير العالمي للنساء مع SUD.
El pasado viernes 09 de febrero, se llevó a cabo una reunión del ISSUP Perú, liderada por el Decano de la Facultad de Psicología PUCP, el Dr. Carlo Ibérico. La mesa estuvo conformada por Mg. Nancy Valdez, Dra. Cecilia Chau, María Eugenia Vizcarra, representante de la Embajada de USA en el área de reducción de la demanda y Especialista de Programas INL.
On February 25th, a delegation comprising seven congressional staffers from the United States paid a visit to SPYM/ISSUP India in New Delhi for discussions regarding drug policies and related challenges in India. This visit was facilitated by the State Department’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement (INL) based in Washington D.C.