Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 1 يوليو 2024
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A global reference on drug markets, trends and policy developments, the World Drug Report offers a wealth of data and analysis and in 2024 comprises several elements tailored to different audiences.
Tanz, L. J. (2024). Routes of Drug Use Among Drug Overdose Deaths—United States, 2020–2022. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 73. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7306a2
Over the last 3 decades, there have been several fluctuations in opioid use patterns and prevalence estimates in the United States. The predominant opioid involved in overdose deaths shifted from prescription opioids in the 1990’s and early 2000’s, to heroin in 2010, and to synthetic opioids like fentanyl in 2013. Recent estimates suggest that about 70% of drug overdose deaths involve synthetic opioids other than methadone, with fentanyl accounting for the majority of these deaths. Since 2015, there has also been a steady increase in deaths involving both fentanyl and stimulants.
Shared by James Harvey
(ISSUP staff) - 19 أكتوبر 2023
سيعقد الحدث العالمي ISSUP لعام 2024 في سالونيك ، اليونان بين 24 و 28 يونيو 2024. تقديم الملخصات مفتوح الآن حتى 31 ديسمبر 2023 ، ونحن ندعو المساهمات من المتخصصين في الوقاية من تعاطي المخدرات ، والحد من الضرر ، والعلاج ، ودعم التعافي ، وكذلك أولئك الذين يعملون مع السكان المعرضين للخطر. سواء كنت أكاديميا أم لا ، نرحب بتقديماتك.
Illésová, L., Kulhánek, A., & Hejlová, D. (2023). “It looks like an accessory”: Perception of heated tobacco products and its marketing communication among Generation Z. Adiktologie, 23(2), 137–144.
BACKGROUND: Heated tobacco products along with electronic cigarettes represent the current trend in nicotine use. These novel products are appealing to teenagers and young adults especially. Generation Z representatives are characterized as native digital and internet users who are exposed to online marketing intensively including tobacco and nicotine products marketing. AIM: The purpose of this study was to explore how Generation Z perceives the promotional techniques of HTP products (IQOS and glo) in the Czech Republic.
METHODS: We conducted qualitative research using semi-structured...
Bednárová, L., Šimková, Z., Behúnová, A., & Wozny, A. (2023). How does the excise tax affect secondhand smokers and the health consequences of such addiction? Adiktologie, 23(2), 123–136.
INTRODUCTION: Smoking and tobacco products are long-term tolerated and socially accepted in many societies. In some socioeconomic groups and regions, this is considered standard practice. One of the ways to limit not only direct but also secondary smoking is an increase in the tax burden and an effective antismoking campaign. Adults exposed to secondhand smoke have a higher chance of acquiring coronary heart disease, stroke, and lung cancer as they age. Secondhand smoking has significant negative effects on the cardiovascular system and has been related to coronary heart disease and stroke in...
Ngoma, C., Adebisi, Y.A. Exploring electronic cigarette portrayals: a content and thematic analysis of African online news coverage. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 18, 50 (2023).
Background: Electronic cigarette usage has seen a significant increase globally in recent years, with many countries reporting a rise in users. However, the way African news portrays this phenomenon remains unclear.
Methods: This study employs a mixed-methodology approach to investigate this subject. The research focuses on news articles about electronic cigarette use obtained from AllAfrica, an online African news archive. A total of 38 online news and opinion articles published between June 2017 and June 2022 met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Content analysis revealed prevalent...
Papadaki, Š. (2022). The amount of excise tax and its effect on the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes in European countries. Adiktologie, 22(4), 234–243.
BACKGROUND: Tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption are widespread practices that are legal and socially accepted in many societies. One of the common tools to reduce the consumption of these legal drugs is increasing prices. The prices for customers include taxes (value added tax and excise tax). Hundreds of studies from around the world are interested in the impact of taxes and prices on the demand for tobacco products. This topic is also relevant for governments of all countries trying to regulate consumption.
AIM: The aim of the paper is to describe the amount of excise tax on legal...
SRNT-E هي جمعية علمية تتمثل مهمتها في تحفيز توليد ونشر المعرفة الجديدة المتعلقة بالنيكوتين والتبغ بجميع مظاهره ، من الخلوية إلى المجتمعية ، عبر التخصصات البحثية ، بهدف نهائي هو الحد من أضرار التبغ والمنتجات التي تحتوي على النيكوتين في جميع...
Legleye, S., Bricard, D., & Khlat, M. (2023). Roles of parental smoking and family structure for the explanation of socio-economic inequalities in adolescent smoking. Addiction, 118(1), 149-159.
Background and aims
Among European countries, France is particularly concerned by adolescent tobacco smoking, especially in disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds (SES). We measured the respective contributions of parental smoking and family living arrangements to social disparities in smoking during adolescence.
A total of 13 314 adolescents answered a pen-and-paper questionnaire about their own tobacco consumption and the smoking of their parents.
Adolescents living within very privileged and privileged SES were significantly less likely to report daily...
SRNT 2023 is being planned as an in-person meeting. The meeting will feature all of the keynote speakers, symposia, podium sessions, poster presentations, and networking events that the SRNT community has come to know and love.
Brief interventions are recognized by WHO as an effective measure to help people quit tobacco, reduce or stop alcohol use and increase physical activity. They can also help to achieve and maintain healthy eating behaviours and manage weight for those living with overweight and obesity. Brief interventions can translate to significant health benefits at the population level when systematically applied to a large proportion of people.
This manual is an integral part of the WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases BRIEF project. The manual...
Vyshneva, V. (2022). Effect of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine ratio in e-liquid on aerosol formation: Overview of relevant properties. Adiktologie, 22(2), 118–125.
تولد أنظمة توصيل النيكوتين الإلكترونية (ENDS) الهباء الجوي عن طريق تبخير السوائل الإلكترونية التي تتكون عادة من البروبيلين غليكول (PG) والجلسرين النباتي (VG) ومكونات أخرى (الماء والنيكوتين والنكهات). الخصائص الكيميائية والفيزيائية لهذه المكونات لها تأثير كبير على تكوين الهباء الجوي ويجب تحديدها من أجل تحسين جاذبية المنتج وتقييم درجة المخاطر الصحية.
الهدف من هذه المقالة هو تقديم وصف لتكوين قاعدة السائل الإلكتروني وتأثيرها على الخصائص الفيزيائية للسائل المستخدم وسلوك الهباء الجوي المتولد والجسيمات بشكل منفصل.
لهذا الغرض ، تم اختيار 46 مقالة باستخدام سلسلة من...
| Dobrovolná, K., Kulhánek, A., & Orlíková, B. (2022). Patterns of heated tobacco product use among Czech adult tobacco users in 2020: An online survey. Adiktologie, 22(2), 94–101.
Heated tobacco products represent a new phenomenon, called novel tobacco products, and one that is not unique to the Czech market. These are electronic tobacco heating and aerosol-producing devices. Although studies on the prevalence of heated tobacco use are already available, patterns of use have not yet been sufficiently mapped.
The aim of this article is to map and describe the patterns of heated tobacco use among adult tobacco users in the Czech Republic.
The study was conducted in the form of an online survey. Respondents were recruited through...
Morphett, K., Hyland, A., Sellars, D., & Gartner, C. (2022). The environmental impact of tobacco products: Time to increase awareness and action. Addiction.
"There is increasing recognition of the negative environmental effects of tobacco products. However, further research, policy and public awareness are needed to address the environmental harms caused by the tobacco industry."
This editorial, published in addiction journal, explores the environmental impact of tobacco products and offers suggestions of ways that educational campaigns and different policies can
The European Web Survey on Drugs1 collected data during March and May 2021 from people who use drugs, are aged 18 or older, and live in 21 EU and 9 non-EU countries including Lebanon. In this period, the populations in many European and neighbouring countries were experiencing COVID-19-related lockdown or restrictions. Unless otherwise indicated, the data presented here refer to the 274 respondents who reported having used at least one illicit drug in the 12 months prior to the survey (last 12 months of use) and live in Lebanon.
يسر SRNT-E أن تعلن أننا فتحنا التسجيل لندواتنا الثلاثة لخريف / خريف.
تعقد هذه الندوات في ثلاثة أيام مختلفة في شهر سبتمبر، وجميعها بتنسيق مماثل: ساعتان ونصف الساعة، مع محادثات من خمسة خبراء وقادة دوليين في مجالاتهم تليها حلقة نقاش وأسئلة...
Mckay, V., Vogel, M., Combs, T. et al. Tailoring dissemination of evidence to preferences of tobacco control partners: results from an academic-community partnership. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 17, 29 (2022).
Tobacco control program leaders may improve the use of evidence in program and policy development by presenting evidence to policymakers more often. However, current scientific knowledge regarding what works is slow to reach decision-makers. We discuss our efforts to learn about and use the preferences of tobacco control leaders for obtaining evidence, as well as the distribution techniques, translational products, and outcomes that resulted.
This work is part of the Advancing Science and Practice in the Retail Environment (ASPiRE) Center, an interdisciplinary...
Sathish, T., Teo, K. K., Britz-McKibbin, P., Gill, B., Islam, S., Paré, G., ... & Yusuf, S. (2022). Variations in risks from smoking between high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of data from 179 000 participants from 63 countries. The Lancet Global Health, 10(2), e216-e226.
Tobacco use is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, over 20 different types or subtypes of cancer, and many other health conditions 1.
In this study, the researchers explored the variation in risk from current smoking compared with never smoking across different countries.
Data from 134 909 participants from 21 countries was analysed as part of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) cohort study, the INTERHEART case-control study and the INTERSTROKE case-control study.
The risks of tobacco-related diseases from current smoking are...