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شارك معرفتك

شارك المعرفة: يمكن لأعضاء جمعية ISSUP النشر في مشاركة المعرفة – التسجيل أو الإشتراك في عضوية

6th World Congress on Mental Health

Event Date

Step into a new realm of possibilities at the 6th World Congress on Mental Health! After the resounding success of the international conferences on the mental state, we are thrilled to announce our latest endeavor. From May 09-10, 2024, join us in the captivating city of Barcelona, Spain, as we embark on a transformative journey.

3rd Virtual Meeting FLACT - Proyecto Hombre

Event Date


The Third Virtual Meeting organized by the Association Proyecto Hombre and the Latin American Federation of Therapeutic Communities (FLACT) is going to be held in September-28th, 3:30-5:30 p.m. CET.