
دعوة للمتحدثين: حدث جانبي في منتدى شراكة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لعام 2023

Shared by Edie - 4 يناير 2023
Originally posted by Edie - 4 يناير 2023

ينظم VNGOC مع NYNGOC ووحدة المجتمع المدني التابعة لمكتب الأمم المتحدة المعني بالمخدرات والجريمة حدثا جانبيا عبر الإنترنت على هامش منتدى شراكة المجلس الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لعام 2023 في 31 يناير 2023 الساعة 8.30 صباحا. الحدث بعنوان: الدور المركزي للمجتمع المدني في سياسات المخدرات وكوفيد-19 وتحقيق خطة...

Enrico Caja

I am currently working on a partnership with a governmental organization in support of their current education campaign. What I am hoping is to be able to present it from a non law enforcement perspective in order to generate a better connection with the youth and the community. This is a response after the so called "war on drugs" which was launched by the past administration. There may still be a climate of fear hence, hindering better access for users who maybe in need of assistance. We may need to go beyond the so called "whole of government approach" into a more whole of nation approach. The government cannot do it alone hence, partnerships at this point and time is crucial and may provide a win win situation for both government, other organizations and the users without the fear.