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Mejía, D., Morales-Chainé, S., García-Flores, R., & Acosta-Quiroz, C. (2019). Substance use and antisocial behavior: criterion-related validity of the Antisocial Process Screening Device in Mexican adolescents. Salud Mental, 42(6), 275-279. doi: https://doi.org/10.17711/SM.0185-3325.2019.036
Introduction. Adolescents who use drugs present several health problems, including criminal behavior. The Antisocial Process Screening Device (APSD) is a test that evaluates current conduct disorders in adolescents.
Objective. This research carried out a cross-cultural adaptation of the APSD on Mexican population.
Method. The original version of the APSD was translated into Mexican Spanish. The final version was administered to 1 070 adolescents (958 students, 72 with minor faults, and 40 with criminal behavior) who completed the APSD and the ENCODE, the National survey on drug use. We computed correlations and regression models between APSD and ENCODE. We carried out a multivariate analysis to compare samples and quantity of drugs. Finally, we fitted the two-and three-factor models of the APSD with a CFA.
Results. The APSD scores correlated significantly with all of the ENCODE variables. In the multivariate analysis, the variable quantity of drugs was significant to rise the APSD score (F [3 847] = 7.53, p = .000). The CFA with three factors had the best fit. Reliability analysis suggests acceptable internal consistency (α = .79).
Discussion and conclusion. Our results confirmed that the Mexican Spanish version of the APSD has good psychometric properties to be used in future research.
Looks like it is not free,…
Looks like it is not free, if anyone has it send it to me so I can put it as a tool in the appendix pages https://sites01.lsu.edu/faculty/pfricklab/apsd-sr/
Dear Ana. You can download…
Dear Ana. You can download the PDF from my post. It is at the bottom part. Since this is an open access publication, it is easily shareable. Let me know if you manage to download it.
¡Vaya! Las puntuaciones…
¡Vaya! Las puntuaciones totales de APSD ha logrado demostrar que tienen correlaciones positivas significativas con el trastorno de conducta, el acoso escolar, la ansiedad y los problemas con drogas, abuso materno, negligencia en el cuidado, abuso parental y una correlación negativa con la autoestima.
En Ecuador se maneja mucho el sistema burocrático, sería bueno implementar algo para mejores y óptimos resultados.