Drugs and Alcohol: Open Access to Research
"Open Access" resources do not require a university affiliation or expensive journal subscriptions. They are available to anyone with an internet connection.
This portal, developed with input from the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows at...
Prevention Nuggets
Covid-19: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control Website
The COVID-19 pandemic is rapidly evolving, and outbreak investigations are ongoing. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) is closely monitoring this outbreak, providing risk assessments, public health guidance, and...
Updates and Resources on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the American Hospital Association has worked closely with the CDC, and other federal, state and local partners to respond to this challenge and to make sure hospitals and health systems have the most up-to...
Coronavirus COVID-19 Information Summary
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers this situational summary and latest updates page for Coronavirus COVID-19.
The page includes information regarding:
- How coronvirus is spread
- Symptoms
- Prevention and...
Veřejný panel globálních případů koronaviru COVID-19
Centrum pro systémovou vědu a inženýrství Univerzity Johnse Hopkinse (CSSE) nabízí tento veřejný panel celosvětově potvrzených případů, uzdravení a úmrtí, který agreguje údaje WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC a DXY v reálném čase.
Tento zdroj je...
Health Matters: Smoking and Mental Health
It is well documented that people with severe mental health issues are more likely to smoke compared to the general population. Smoking reduces physical wellbeing and is a key modifiable risk factor for health inequality.
Despite this...
Atlas opiátů
Opiáty jsou některé z nejúčinnějších léků proti bolesti pro pacienty trpící rakovinou a bolestí související s chirurgickým zákrokem.
Bohužel, léky v této třídě jsou také používány jako drogy zneužívání. Navzdory cenové dostupnosti a...
Lisabonské závislosti: Prezentace a postery
V návaznosti na konferenci v roce 2019 shromáždil lisabonský tým závislostí plakáty a informace o prezentacích z akce.
Koproducenti vytvořili ucelené balíčky tematických témat, přednášek a komentovaných posterových prohlídek.
Přednášky a...
CLOUD - The Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers
In partnership with the National Governors’ Association and Milbank Memorial Fund, the Center for Evidence-based Policy has created CLOUD: Curated Library about Opioid Use for Decision-makers.
CLOUD's mission is to curate high quality...
Alcohol Statistics UK
Alcohol Change UK has gathered statistics related to alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom.
The report provides information on:
- Alcohol in the UK
- Alcohol and Health
- Treatment
- Crime
- Drinking Behaviours
- Young People
Some key...
The Drug Policy Metrics Map

The CDPE has conducted an international cross-comparison of illegal drug policies to create an online tool – the Drug Policy Metrics Map.
The map demonstrates the alignment and gaps between the metrics that countries use to assess the...
Alcohol Data Directory
This alcohol directory collates data and information on alcohol consumption and related harm on the island of Ireland.
Published resources in the directory are open access and originate from government-led departments and research. The...
Atlas tabáku
United Nations Toolkit on Synthetic Drugs
2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium - Presentations
A number of presentations from the 2018 NDARC Annual Research Symposium, which was held on Monday, 8 October 2018, have been made available.
The theme of the event was Clinical, community and policy responses to emerging problems in drug...
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